Friday, August 1, 2014

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Evening sea Dinh Cau | Light Entertainment
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In ancient manaus brazil times, people lived on the island of Phu Quoc mainly by fishing up here soon formed the culture of the coastal population, including cultural beliefs make an important contribution to the structure and appearance for the background culture here.
However, in every sea, that nuance is not exactly the same. If the Sao beach is the most beautiful beach in Phu Quoc with sparkling white sand, beach Khem attractive with golden sand ... the sea palace where sun-sea-sand-rock blend together to form a useful backdrop situation. Let's once arriving in Phu Quoc Dinh Cau watching the sea at sunset with plane tickets to Phu Quoc Cheap VN Boooking, we are always with you.
Palace is located is located in a very nice location on a cliff bizarre shapes Sea King. He stalked the imposing Palace prior to large wind waves. In order to get to Mui Dinh Cau relics, visitors must pass with 29 stone steps flanked by lush clumps of weeds. Perhaps because it is especially not where it should have been Dinh Cau be seen as characteristic symbol of Phu Quoc Island.
He was speaking to the palace said in a landscape which visitors visiting Phu Quoc no one not looking to relax, enjoy. Afternoon to the beach, sunsets out here very beautiful, from the sea to the sky falls down dark yellow, to moments before nightfall crimson sky, beautiful scenery appeared manaus brazil as star, it brings us great emotions when contemplating.
Today, the palace is now sea destination of hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Up palace to be heard rattling wave sound that's bold salty sea and the nature of his experience, character and very interesting, but just a new place.
By watching the sunset manaus brazil over the sea palace, you remember to equip themselves with a camera to be able to unleash the true image capture most of the sea, by centuries, the sea has always been the subject of poets "salt call me on the beach, the sea wind caress ardent breath, either: In the dream I saw on the beach, hang the blue ocean, wave the match off. "
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