Monday, August 18, 2014

Even tried a lot sorozatozók minds, the question may arise as to what could be an interesting team

The cult series The Guild undoubtedly, in our country, however, is quite narrow layer reached. A Dresser szitkomról is a websorozatról, which started in the summer of 2007, is now the season of treading 4 (4 01 is available here). The seasons 10-12 are part of the blue short episodes, loosely, ledarálható the previous three seasons in a row, even during an afternoon. In addition to the standard DVD release of the series free of post-free transocean and can be viewed transocean on the official site (as well as subtitled in nine languages), or on YouTube.
The key man Felicia Day, who is a person idea administrator, writer, protagonist. An example would be undertaking coursework to mention: there is a non-commissioned young actress, a host of time who suddenly out of nowhere it builds something script starts writing about the world he knows so well, and will fight until the idea of become a reality, not just any kind. Good relations were obviously on some level, but still. After - soon enough - the makers some money ran out, the fans of the material and moral support helped me to continue with The Guild was, and some incredible success story kanyarítani award rain, comic versions, video clip, big-name sponsors, and now a more serious background.
What is that all about? Let's start at the beginning. The meaning of the word guild here may not be worthwhile to look in the dictionary, there's not really transocean find it: a coherent, cohesive families of these online players, a few dozen or a few hundred members. Hungarian circles as a clan devoted to you, if at all, is spent. This particular 6-member guild, three boys and three girls, is the story of her difficult to clever-doings.
Even tried a lot sorozatozók minds, the question may arise as to what could be an interesting team geek geek figures, who sit at your computer all day long, and besides, they do not understand the role-play. What is the secret of why we all love? Without major spoilers continue my further behind.
The protagonist transocean of the story is unemployed, and therefore time millionaire Codex (Felicia Day), who is just as healing as a priest, nor szólózik well in life. Insecure girl, but a hole in anyone's stomach could talk smoothly. Vlog (video blog gy.k.) lead, and that's why we like it a lot. The records did very well in webcam colorful parts, a framework can also help you to jump in time, no it is cute, full of improvisations.
Clara (Robin Thorsen) mother of three children, although the Year "mother" definitely not going to win a title. Sometimes the hair color to match the interruption to hear from him, I like it the most, when I push on something, it is overwhelming, like a tornado.
Thank goodness, the creators of the stereotypes also give a slap or two, so do not just "I live in my mother's basement, I'm not going days" typical képernyőbámuló pacákokat watch, but rather an approximate version of reality. Clan members are varied, of course, as it happens, both stubborn and dumb. It also seems that everyone has the characteristics of traditional caste (see shameless rogue).
The main driving force behind the beginning of the story, that the members first meet in real life, what is it LESS viewers, transocean what they will do with each other. The grin amid often heartwarming to watch as their friendship slowly passes through the virtual transocean real.
Not surprisingly, almost all of the roles into unknown actors, Felicia I've transocean never seen before (the brilliant Dr. Horrible was only recently discovered it myself), transocean he may recognize from quite a few Buffy. Overall, a great team will be there alone with Clara and oats'm still not at ease. One highlight Bladezzt, I do not know where this guy picked up: very young, novice, but has the talent and charisma, thousand, should stay on this track.
There's even a surprise. The most well-known face undoubtedly Wil Wheaton, favorite Wesley Crusher on ST-TNG out who emboss the clan as antipodal. The supporting cast clever and memorable. The "Stupid Girl Égimeszelő Bomb" Riley (Michele Boyd), however, we see a lot of other series, that's good to hear. Dena is still my favorite, the little sister.
The series I have nothing more to beautify it, the beginning of The Guild is fairly transocean basic, especially bags of money made the series more accustomed to our eyes. Technically quite minimalist style start, but as we move the story prominently improve the quality, dare to experiment with fancier camera transocean movements, deceleration transocean and other fortélyokkal, effects, too, and we are delighted to arrive several times a musical percussion. The "enthusiastic amateurs" feeling after a while it goes away, as if it had never been. My favorite is the busy season 2, there were all the way down my leg. And my father, what a cliffhanger there! transocean
Sympathetic to how well exploited in all conditions, they've got, and certainly not cost a fortune, for example. Felicia violin skills, the "Stunt Guy" martial art, home sites. Tip: Su

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