Sunday, August 10, 2014

Learning mindebbol fabric, the last 150 kilometers a day to day has been planned with plenty of two

Learning from the first two days, that 100 km of roads in the country's nooks and Zugöse be three o'clock am, because we are full alaguttal and some one-way cost only, in which case one var line for half an hour, do not fret yet. Or no tunnel, but ferry is also Var for half an hour, the other half of you sit on it and carry forward the fjord side lara Tulsa. There is no problem, I came Holidays, no need to be nervous, there's a good book, which I go so it's great. Therefore it is torn Masturbation four hours in the rain for the picture - watch out for crawling!
Learning mindebbol fabric, the last 150 kilometers a day to day has been planned with plenty of two-way tunnel was all the ferries cost and came right away niceties of life. It could run at eighty, because there is no highway in the country, however there are zero tolerancias kurvadraga punishment, this is a spiced by the rules and nepseggel winding roads and you can not elozol anywhere. The book breasts into good music. The Taj will compensate anyway. So I was learning from the airport on time Boven From these, the nearest cost small town's pedestrian area in front of the people I photographed and planted a cake at the day, I thought also that in this case I do miss the fly when there is plenty of time. But Dani, do not worry all the time, we do not need you, as you enjoy the sunshine warming your face. But now that I should not get to fucking miss because it has the following four days to go, it's such a tiny space, you can fly them. I say take it easy, do not sweat constantly, slowly carefulness for coffee and live longer. Of course, cost that I was almost late.
First we had to dig your ... Gate 1 at a tiny airport, looking out to the right to graze sheep, looking to the left and the plane practically touches the glass, so close. Here's cost a door, and then go out on, no need to walk the ten meters to host-, we will not miss. Reading books grab my head all the loud speakers, but none of them say that London. It has plenty of 40 minutes to get started, when you answered, "Mr. Varga bother cost to gate, Mr. Varga IMMEDIATELY bother to gate!"
Butan watch because each gate diode, the chick at the bar I go to kiss, I would have, what's the matter, crashed the Windows rebootoljam? But can immediately cost run to the gate-to-1! But we are at the Gate 1, I show no over head on the board. Oh no it's the International Gate-to-1 to go! He, the Hun is? There is a (text only no!) Small blue door, rush! Folgefonna glacier
The small blue door behind an old man with a mustache sat on a toilet-sized booth, you answered Varga? London? Passport! It looked bad. Then it was 40 minutes of take-off, I'm just saying, and the machine was still standing in the uvegajton addition to tens of meters. The Uncle too was only on the asphalt in front of me and the building next to the parked aircraft. cost Two Ryanair machinery stood next to a row, both of them trained your stairs, I felt total mar amateur visszakialtok the Passport Parish cost of the building, which hosts? Shout back: ROHANJOOOON! Oke, the left will be the one running up the stairs, there sztyuvi all, let me ask: go to London? No, Mallorca ... come on down the stairs without a word, the sztyuvi not know what to think about it, I run the other computers at the tarmac, stairs, felrohan, sztyuvi London? Yes, Mr. Varga? I've been waiting. Sit down here in the first place, I did not say here, but in more of a hurry and labhely. Najo, fine.
Those dressed in yellow at the top of the cliff Monk (Buddhist monks)? I know, weird question, but I look in the photo is enlarged. In the meantime, I looked at the Picasa album, cost in fact those I saw. Cancel Reply
Monks, yes :) even before they were on top of the cliff above, as to come up with the crowd and everyone wanted to make photos with us with us. Almost an hour left themselves cost terribly seasoned, cost smiling, soaking wet. Clear
Paper without being without papers - without papers in Florida - New York every wall is a story about living in New York Hungarians Team USA to Brazil to get out of the London Marathon over at Daring cost greatly corner - in Vienna next 24 h for MO
2014 (15) July (3) June (1) April (1) March (4) February (2) January (4) 2013 (32) November (1) October (2) September cost (2) August (2) Boarding School Norway - Last Minute July (5) June (4) May (6) April (1) March (1) February (3) January cost (5 ) 2012 (32) November (1) October (4) September (4) August (1) July (5) June (1) May (7) March (3) February (3 ) January (3) 2011 (46) December (2) November (1) October (4) September (4) August (2) `

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