Thursday, February 13, 2014

Like many of you, I have been a victim of the powerful. Twelve-year-old when Martial Law was declar Menu About The Philippine Government The Legislative Branch The Executive Branch The Judicial Branch The Official Gazette The Official Gazette online edition of The Official Gazette Publishing Partners Briefing Room eServices Platform Programs & Policies of Government A Social Contract star cruise with the Filipino People star cruise and achievements Economic star cruise Vision Development Public-Private Partnerships Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 Human Development Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cluster Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (CCT) K to 12 Basic Education star cruise Responsible Parenthood Sin Taxes Environment and Climate star cruise Change Project NOAH National star cruise Greening Program Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster Governance webpage Freedom of Information Security The People's Budget, Justice, Peace and National Security Policy 2011-2016 PAMANA Program Resources Information Official Notices Official Directory 2013 Official Calendar star cruise 2014 Nationwide Nationwide Holidays Holidays Tourist Information During natural disasters information issuances Administrative Executive Orders Executive Orders Proclamations Memorandum Circulars Memorandum Orders More ... Legislature Acts Acts of the Philippine Commission Act National Acts of the Philippine Legislature Republic Acts More ... Judicial Supreme Court E-Library Historical Papers & Documents Speeches Statements Messages Inaugural Addresses State of the Nation Addresses Budget Messages More ... The Philippine Constitutions 1987 Constitution (present) 1986 Freedom Constitution 1973 Constitution 1935 Constitution 1899 Malolos Constitution More ... The Philippine Legal Codes Photo Gallery Feedback
Thank you. We all sit ho.
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile; Speaker Feliciano Belmonte; star cruise Vice President Jejomar Binay; former President Fidel Valdez Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada: our honorable justices star cruise of the Supreme Court: the honorable members of the diplomatic concourse; Honorable respectable members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; heads of local government; members of our Cabinet; uniformed members of the military and police; fellow to servicing the people, and, of course, to me pong boss, good afternoon to you all.
This is my third SONA, and as long ago when we began to dream. When, once we decided to walk the straight star cruise path. Just like when we began to dispel the wang-wang, both on the streets but in the social system.
Like many of you, I have been a victim of the powerful. Twelve-year-old when Martial Law was declared. You turned our world: Seven years and seven months detained my father three years of forced exile for my family: I have been witness to the suffering star cruise of many because star cruise of the dictatorship. Here tempered my principle: If there inaagrabyado't star cruise robbed right, he's star cruise my ally. If there is an oppressor, he is my fight. If I find something wrong with the system, it is my duty to correct. [Applause]
Long after Martial Law. We then asked, "If not us, who?" And "If not now, when?" The united response: let us and now. Stolen democracy star cruise with tyranny and violence, we recovered by peaceful means; successful, we brought light to the darkest chapter of our history.
But do not be forgotten roots of: Martial Law dictator the Constitution to stay in power. And until now, still going collision between the system would similarly, against those who want to continue panlalamang.
There was the case of the North Rail. Nobility was so expensive, after repeated negotiations, further loved. Despite this, the reduced benefits. The fleet was three train sets, and stations, from five to two. The bitter yet, pinapabayaran to us its debt, now that.
There is some bonus indiscriminate GOCC [government-owned and-controlled corporation], despite the losses of their agencies. There's 1 billion pesos pinasingaw of Pagcor [Philippine Amusement star cruise and Gaming Corporation] for coffee. There is the management system of the PNP [Philippine National Police] to set aside the weapon needs 45 percent of the police, just to profit from the old helicopter that purchased brand new.
We do not have allowance left, and layers simultaneously on the loan to be repaid. Left a long list of obligations to fulfill: A backlog of 66,800 classrooms, which cost us about 53.44 billion pesos; 2,573,212 backlog in the seat, which in turn costs

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