Monday, February 17, 2014

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Cruises on European rivers have guides in Portuguese | Mail Democratic
Browse by rivers and canals of Europe in luxury port of seattle cruises, and need not worry about language barriers. This is the appeal of the proposed new cruise port of seattle Avalon Waterways, called Brazilian Navigating Europe (BNE), which offer guides tours in Portuguese in some of the company for the Old World, with tickets for the Danube and Rhine rivers, and canals and by the Netherlands Belgium in 2014.
The board ships that are floating luxury five star Brazilians can enjoy the infrastructure with more tranquility. Among the routes are four options: Time of Tulips, The Blue Danube to the Black Sea, the Danube and Rhine Legendary Romance. The packages start from U.S. $ 2,429 (R $ 5,669) per person, plus tax. In addition to the guides in Portuguese, menus and notices of board are also among the facilities for Brazilians.
The screenplay Time of Tulips occurs between 2 and April 8, departing port of seattle from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and visit the countryside and Belgium at the time of flowering of tulips. The first stop is Shoonhoven with two possible tours, one to the Keukenhof Gardens or the other windmills Kinderkijk, built in 1740 and forming a typical Dutch scenery. After the cruise goes to Veere, the region of the dikes, Ghent, Antwerp, Maastricht and Amstedã to cruise the canals and cheese tasting port of seattle already included.
Have the Romantic Rhine is a script made of 11 to 18 July, starting in Zurich, Switzerland, and ending in Amsterdam. The scales include a visit to Strasbourg, visiting the picturesque Heidelberg and visiting a castle. port of seattle In Mainz, Germany, will visit the Musei Gutenberg port of seattle and the Museum of Musical Instruments. Are also planned stops in Koblenz and Cologne, port of seattle before coming port of seattle to the Netherlands channels. The value of U.S. $ 2,949 (R $ 6,882) per person, plus tax.
Itineraries on the Danube Script In The Blue Danube to the Black Sea, between June 18 and July 1, the cruise port of seattle passengers departing from Bucharest, Romania, bound for Vienna, Austria. Navigating the river passes through towns such as St Romanian Gheorge-Tulcea, with excursion to the Danube Delta. Other popular places are the little Hârşova, where there excursion to Constanta, Transylvania. The script also includes Rousse, port of seattle Bulgaria now, Cetate again in Romania, navigating the canyon Iron Gates, Belgrade, port of seattle and Vulkovar Osijed, Mohacs, with tasting of wines from the region, Budapest, Bratislava, Slovakia and ends in Vienna. The packages start from U.S. $ 4,149 (R $ 9,683) per person, plus tax.
The Legendary Danube route goes 3-13 August with trip begins in Prague, Czech Republic, three days exploring the capital. The cruisers then follow the bus to Nuremberg, Germany, where they embark. The city, known for the famous trial at the end of World War 2, has the option of guided tour. Ship in lecture and tasting beers occurs. Are still visited Regensburg, medieval city that has a bridge over 900 years and is known for Historische Wurstkuche, considered the first fast food world, where the delicacy is the sausage with sweet mustard. Still visit Passau, Linz and Melk in the country, and Vienna. The packages come from U.S. $ 2,849 (R $ 6,649) per person, plus taxs.
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