Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Nile (Arabic: النيل and Neil; English: Nile) is a river in Africa is the longest river in the w

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The Nile (Arabic: النيل and Neil; English: Nile) is a river in Africa is the longest river in the world. Was discovered by a new source that is longer than when not too long ago. The Nile has a total length of 6,695 kilometers.
The word "Nile" ('nIl) comes from the word "Ney York" (Latin: Neilos; Greek: Νειλος) name in Greek means. "Valley of the River", another name of the river Nile in Greek is "I thank the Los Gatos" (Latin: Aigyptos; Greek: Αιγυπτος), which translates as the "Egypt" itself is the longest river and offers as there are fish in the river tributaries.
Nile was born from the merger of the two lines is the River Line Blue Nile (Blue Nile) from Ethiopia. celebrity constellation And the White Nile (White Nile) from areas of East Africa. Come together in Sudan and flow. Egypt and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. White Nile river
The White Nile originates from Lake Victoria. celebrity constellation Which is between Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The Nile flows out of Lake Victoria Vick is called the Victoria Nile, which flows to Lake Albert North. This is called the Albert Nile River flows to Sudan with rivers. And called the White Nile before the central region including the Blue Nile. Blue Nile river
The Blue Nile (read that Ohio Blue Night waist to prevent confusion with the name of Brunei) originated in Ethiopia. And flows through Sudan to do with the White Nile. History
The Nile River is the main river that feeds Africa's drought. Cause many ancient civilizations. It is well-known Egyptian celebrity constellation civilization When the more than five thousand years ago. It also creates an abundance to the bar area as well.
2014 (13) February (13) digital (digital) French scientists Nasa (NASA) gondola (the cruise in Italy at the Venice ... boat kayak (kayak) Nile U.S. flag. Marathon Jean de la fontaine (Colbert - de La Fontaine) historical relationship with King Louis the 14th E ... Orsay Museum (le musee d'orsay) 5 largest province of Thailand "fondue" celebrity constellation 2013 (10) September (10) 2012 (13) September (13).

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