Saturday, February 15, 2014

The video was missing! The report from the 1 day Christies j buyer had to Mir alqueva attracts inde

Portugalfoi 6 European destination most visited by cruise passengers in 2012 (with 1.2 million passengers), positioning itself aindaem 11 in the ranking of European independence countries with greater direct impact of the cruise industry (207 million euros in 2012), according to the ECC (European Cruise Council). independence
The company MSC Cruises has announced that're having, in 2013, an increase of its operation independence in Portugal in order dos35% compared to 2012, providing independence alcanar 12,800 passengers this year, and staying with a share Marketplace de36%.
"I think Portugal independence has a great potential to grow as a source market and receiver independence (cruise passengers) and this potential should be explored and exploited," notes Eduardo Cabrita, managing director of MSC Cruises in Portugal.
"Today we can say that we are market leaders in a country that currently has more than 35,000 cruise passengers / year and still has a lot of potential to grow," says the company responsible for Portugal independence cruise.
For the 2013-2014 season the MSC Cruzeirosvai have new itineraries with boarding and disembarking in Lisbon and Funchal, Lisbon cruises prefazendo 43 and 31 in Funchal, which represents a current face 15% increase in operating into Portugal. Keywords Lisbon cruises MSC Economics
The video was missing! The report from the 1 day Christies j buyer had to Mir alqueva attracts independence foreign investors five new H 36 million euros to support new businesses Portuguese Costa alert tossed sea j Carvalho da Silva was discharged Uni Portugal to the European pushes clean exit
good to know that foreign companies see c with its tourists. As our cruise independence companies vo other countries. Q cruises a business independence has been growing although some years ago created a certain polmica in Lisbon. Q but good to know people like to visit us, and down in Lisbon, Portimão, independence Funchal and Porto and the Azores. The important thing for us Desk sell the best image of our country, although the governments want it PS, PSD, CDS, always overthrow independence the country and their friends. However never will vote communes, but agree to destroy my country, where I was born, an abuse. I really like my area of Tourism and love to see her well in businesses or Cruise wants another class after this comprehensive rea mt q and she makes you win and lead, but the worst paid or unpaid.
Company transported independence 19,743 passengers DouroAzul sum 21milhes euros in sales Maroa October Q expressed as the Portuguese companies talk about this cm, q pq in defending ours? be p be the Port? DouroAzul, river cruise company, totaled between October Maroe 21 million euros in sales, 39% more than in homlogo independence period last year, in addition to having recorded the best m s 20 years of the company in October, with sales of 3.2 million euros. independence In a statement, the company that transported avana cruises between 15 Maroe end of October 19,743 passengers, 51% more than the same period last year. In the ten months of January to October EBITDA rose by 74% to 6.2 million euros, the statement still avana. The United States soo main market for DouroAzul, representing 47.3% of the company's revenue, followed by Germany with 21.4%, the UK with 15.1%, Austria 3.8%, Belgium (3.1%), Canada (2.6%) independence and His (1.7%). The entrance to the service independence this year, two new ships and two hotel Rabelo boats Esto support the growth of business independence DouroAzul that in 2013, registering the best exercise ever, both operationally and financially, the company says. DouroAzul will receive two new ships, hotel with 52 double cabins, independence ordered the yards of Navalria, Martifer Group, Maro in the next year to address the Douro River looking independence east in the register worldwide.
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