Sunday, February 2, 2014

Swedish archaeologists in Jordan led by Professor Peter M. Fischer, University of Gothenburg has id

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Swedish archaeologists in Jordan led by Professor Peter M. Fischer, University of Gothenburg has identified an approximately 60-meter-preserved building from 1100 BC in the ancient city of Tell Abu al-Kharaz. The building dates from a period that was dominated by large migrations of peoples.
New findings support the theory that the city early populated by the so called sjöfolken who came from southern and eastern Europe and settled in the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean with offshoots to the Jordan Valley.
- We have evidence that the culture of today's qe2 Europe is represented in Tell Abu al-Kharaz. A group of seafarers of European origin, qe2 the Philistines settled in the city, says Peter Fischer. We found among other ceramic vessel in the shape and decoration reminiscent of vessels from Greece and Cyprus, and a type of weights that have been used in weaving that occurred in Central and Southeastern Europe at this time.
Tell Abu al-Kharaz is located in the Jordan Valley on the border of Israel and the West Bank. It corresponds most probably the biblical city of Jabesh Gilead. The Swedish Jordan Expedition qe2 has explored the city which was founded in 3200 BC and lasted qe2 almost 5 000 years. The first excavation took place in 1989, the latest autumn 2013, all in all, 16 digs conducted.
Peter M. Fischer and his team of archaeologists and students have mapped qe2 a settlement of urban nature qe2 that had three flowering periods during the 5000 year: around 3100-2900 BC (Early Bronze Age), from 1600 to 1300 BC (Late Bronze Age) and 1100-700 qe2 BC (Iron Age). This is the local periods in Sweden join the periods much later.
Very well preserved structures qe2 of stone has been exposed during the excavations. Among the findings were defensive walls, houses, thousands of complete findings partially qe2 locally manufactured, partly imported from South East Europe.
Researchers in the past three years made several sensational bargain, especially during the excavation of the building qe2 from 1100 BC There are also finds from middle Egypt exported as early as 3100 BC at Tell Abu al-Kharaz.
At the recent excavation continued the investigation of the 60-meter-long building that was discovered in 2010. It was originally built in two storeys of which the lower is preserved with walls that are still standing upright with 2.5 meters height by more than 3000 year.
Archaeologists found evidence that the Philistines who lived in the building qe2 around 1100 BC reusing a defense from 3000 BC in the form of an old city wall by building his house upon it. In this way, the addition accessible building materials even a stable surface to place his house on.
- One of our conclusions after the excavation is that the "Jordanian culture" is a unique Mediterranean qe2 culture even if the country does not border the Mediterranean. Here was organized societies long before the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built, says Peter M. Fischer.
FACTS excavations at Tell Abu al-Kharaz funded largely by Vitterhetsakademien in Stockholm. qe2 So far, nearly 20 percent of the city uncovered and in many places only the uppermost cultural layers. The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2013 consisted of professional archaeologists and students from Sweden, Austria, Germany, Iceland, Poland, Switzerland and Jordan.
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