Monday, June 30, 2014

Historical magazine

Social thomson majesty transformation of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century.: Methodology and analysis | Historical magazine "Russian and Slavic studies" - the story of the southern and western Slavs, the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine "; echo '")); thomson majesty
Historical magazine "Russian and Slavic studies" - the story of the southern and western Slavs, the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine slavyanovedcheskoe specialized scientific periodicals
Home About the journal Terms publishing articles new room! Archive magazine Issue 1 - 2004 (1) Issue 2 - 2007 (52) Issue 3 - 2008 (58) Issue 4 - 2009 (58) Issue 5 - 2010 (60) Issue 6 - 2011 (1) Issue 7 - 2012 (1 ) Issue 8 - 2013 (1) Search by themes Grand Duchy of Lithuania Military History Theses Ancient Rus Historiography Historical Portraits History History thomson majesty History of Bulgaria Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina History of Kosovo and Metohija, Macedonia History History thomson majesty Poland History of Russia thomson majesty History History Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine History History History of Croatia History History of Montenegro Czech Republic Czechoslovakia History History of Yugoslavia History History of Ancient Slavs Soviet period Chronology Conference Brief book International and national relations Methodology history Contemporary New Age Science News Political Party Invitation to debate Publications Reviews Rzeczpospolita Russian Empire in World Wars Slavs Slavic culture Middle Ages Church and religion Economic History
Solving each research task requires the selection of appropriate and methodological techniques. On this depends the success of the work, especially if it requires the study of such a complex and multidimensional problem, which is the study of the social transformation thomson majesty of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century. Designated thomson majesty period has left its mark on the country's history and only for lovers seems to be something unique and specific. One of the main lines of its development thomson majesty - the emergence of bourgeois society. At this stage, many turned fatal for the future of Belarus processes, thomson majesty including the formation of the Belarusian nation in the modern sense, defined outlines of its state-political system. In fact, one could argue that while clearly formed prerequisites of the Belarusian thomson majesty model of socio-economic and ethno-political development.
However, often surprising lack of attention of researchers to study the period. Including historians sometimes superficially addresses thomson majesty many issues of transformation processes in the Belarusian society, define their boundaries and specific features.
In this paper, the problem of social transformation of the Belarusian society in the second half of XIX - early XX century. outlined the evolution of corporate organization caste population, its socio-professional stratification formation of social structure characteristic of bourgeois thomson majesty class organization of society, the expansion of the processes thomson majesty of social and spatial mobility of various social groups. Because of the limited size of the article is missing a full analysis of the methodology thomson majesty and methods of studying the designated problem. This book contains only the characteristic features and results of the study of transformation processes in the Belarusian society through modernization paradigm, as well as methods of multivariate statistical analysis.
The first attempts to develop close to the specific problem issues related to their analysis, the researchers late XIX - early XX century. For modern scholars, these works are sometimes sources of value, since they include mainly empirical material, significant statistical applications on the topic and less analysis of transformation processes. During the 20-80s. The twentieth century. historians outlined the basic contours of social processes in Belarus the second half of XIX - early XX century., determined the direction of their development in the scientific revolution introduced various types of mass sources, characterized and used the information capabilities of statistical data. But in this period mainly concerned their consideration influence of capitalist relations in the countryside and the city of Belarus, the proletariat and the social formation of the peasantry. thomson majesty In fact, outside the interest of researchers have questions thomson majesty full details of other socio-caste groups. Of the most cited researchers are specified period of MV Beach, MF Bolbasa, VP Panyutsich, thomson majesty Sambuk SM, MM Ulashchik et al. [1; 2; 3; 9; 16; 18] In the last decade and a half, the attention of local researchers mainly drawn to the study of the history of the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the bureaucracy, the priesthood, the intelligentsia Belarus. Here, special attention should work AP Zhitkov, ZV Shibeko and others. [5; 20]
Versatility and complexity of social change thomson majesty requires the use of one of the research capacity of sociological makrateory: Pharmacy

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Phew, was easier - the bible bad read, but now at least I know that with God or with the devil or p

[Tags | south, disney magic language, hell] Most Belarusians disney magic mistakenly believes that when it comes time to get the direction to the south or hell, otherworldly raznaradchyki disney magic will scrutinize their personal affairs on the scales to weigh the good and bad things ... Nonsense! After all, the largest Christian snag is that God supposedly the same for all: Blacks, Arabs, Chinese and Germans with Belarus. In fact, when the destroyed tower of Babel and awarded people of different languages, the different peoples and gods assigned different. First and foremost was the Word, and the Word was God. Belarusian word, respectively, of the Belarusian God. Try to talk with him at the "big and powerful" anegelskay or Polish - dead-end option for the local man. Gray-haired grandfather irritated frown and favors strong, but within the Belarusian language. Try to escape in Russian, Lithuanian or Polish south also will not work, since thence gods, one heard "akannya", "Yakan", "dekanne" and "tsekanne" give a kick and chase away. It remains to hell, but there is no need to multiply the illusion that suffering and would be easier disney magic zdyakanni Russian swearing or habitual fuck you. After all, the devil in hell, too Belarusian Belarusian-language, and its method of education is much more radical than the desperate calls and lamentations "TBM". Therefore, my dear fellow, is not too late, not run by the Bible, but on a volume or Karatkevich Belarusian language textbook.
From: uladzimer 2012-10-10 7:55 pm (UTC)
From: uladzimer 2012-10-10 8:11 pm (UTC)
You always fucking pleasant to read, and a Belarusian real clean and expressed thoughts ... I want to write about rational Unified Gd and only different pirated versions of different religions and peoples of reincarnation and logical arguments agnostics, but! before the eyes gets a Belarusian described sivoy grandfather Lesovik before which have to remember ... * February - generous with blue frost in March with sakatannem and juice ... * and understand the truth of an underlying written: that people here talk to your god will come from Grandma's language , Mom kolyhanok language and scraps necessarily poem from the school curriculum because it ... - native language, forgotten and downtrodden, but native thanks for the post
Phew, was easier - the bible bad read, but now at least I know that with God or with the devil or parazumeemsya. :) Not that in the Middle Ages - there these characters speak Latin communicated, a song about bison asked padeklamavats ...

At the same time, opposition leaders and civil society are completely dependent on even the most mo

BPF Party "Mad-Eye Rabalyatsi. Belarusian opposition in survival mode "status quo"
While, as the presidential campaign in 2010 demonstrated the dynamism royal carribean cruises and revival of interest opposition in Belarus, following the violent repression killed any hope for change in the country. Opposition, weakened by these events and the constant pressure from the authorities, could not use the economic crisis, government failure and ranking drop Lukashenko in his favor.
Instead, the opposition parties in Belarus after the 2010 elections went into survival mode "status quo." Dependent modest help from the West, they were absorbed mainly its own parallel royal carribean cruises political reality. Cut off from the general population, they did not use this opportunity, as the economic crisis to explain to people how their plans will be able to positively affect the lives of ordinary citizens. Meanwhile, the "political middle", as never before, disappointed in Lukashenko's administration. However, all attempts to use the so-called "third way" in order to reach this population failed. The main reason for the failure mode effective strategy of "divide and rule", but the lack of convincing arguments by the opponents of the government also contributes.
Political consequences of the economic crisis are obvious: in September 2011, Lukashenko's rating fell to 20.5%, royal carribean cruises the lowest figure for the time of his reign. However, a corresponding increase in the ratings royal carribean cruises of the opposition leaders royal carribean cruises did not happen. Meanwhile, in December 2011 Lukashenko's rating rose slightly above 24.9%, which indicates that, at least in the short term it is able to overcome the worst effects of the crisis.
Any objective analysis recognizes that the Belarusian opposition is now in a desperate situation. The most significant activists are in prison, and the rest have already managed to blow their health in prison dungeons. 12 years ago, some of the leaders royal carribean cruises who have caused the greatest impact in the community, were killed. Because of the constant repression for many years, their structures were frozen, as the authorities directly impeded change in the management and registration of new parties. Party filtered authorities who play "divide and rule" that evident in the Social Democrats, who currently could probably get the political loyalty of the majority of Belarusians. royal carribean cruises Practice shows that the parties is very difficult to expand its influence beyond the relatively small circle of admirers, because people are at risk of losing their livelihood if drawn into opposition activities. Meanwhile, regional activists harassed and driven power that is constantly fighting with them, not to allow to gain traction. royal carribean cruises Perhaps the opposition's ability to survive in these conditions, in fact, can be considered a success.
However, local experts say that despite this situation, already royal carribean cruises for a long time, there is a wonderful section of the status quo between Lukashenko and the opposition-leader-victim. Although they clearly hate each other, at the same time they are interdependent (and to some extent in the current environment): royal carribean cruises Lukashenko must be fixed costs with the opposition and to maintain its image last dictator in Europe to receive financial support from Russia.
At the same time, opposition leaders and civil society are completely dependent on even the most modest financial assistance from the West, which often leads to the fact that the opposition is living in their own parallel political reality in which reads as their news on their own websites. And it does not coincide with the reality of everyday life of ordinary people, who do not receive financial assistance from the West.
At the moment, the opposition in this parallel political reality is more focused on their internal politics than on what they want to see or offer those who are not part of their circle. In opposition royal carribean cruises leaders have a problem with the vision royal carribean cruises of how Belarus is different, and inner confidence that only they understand the real situation. Some activists are obsessed with process, not content, and focus more on its activities and press releases, rather than on specific results. Politicking and infighting over "crown" the opposition leader (or avoid that someone else got it) is more important royal carribean cruises for them to work with people royal carribean cruises and getting support of the latter. While some activists are making efforts to reach out to citizens, at least through the rhetoric and are developing plans that demonstrate their understanding of the need to expand the circle of supporters, most of the political forces continues to isolate royal carribean cruises itself, to focus on issues royal carribean cruises of conservation activists and their bases adhere to the level of activity that they have at the moment.
Classic example - the issue of political prisoners. Parties believe that they should cover this

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Article lecturer of preschool and primary education Minsk Regional Institute of Education Developme

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Article lecturer of preschool and primary education Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development Helena Radevich have a successful attempt to rethink their own methodologies AA. The author p classifies and organizes the evaluation methods, to bring their advantages and that is especially important for practicing teachers, gives concrete p examples and techniques of each of the methods p in the classroom.
Any activity that a person can cultivate it, needs to be assessed. For students main activity is training. That is why the evaluation is an essential element of the educational system, p as estimation influences the development of school educational environment through learning diagnose problems and implement feedback. The idea of development through assessment inherent in the concept of "quality p cycle". Its main thrust p in the evaluation mechanism for continuous improvement of the educational p process.
How is? How will I collect information? (Defining criteria of educational achievements (NASHTOBUZU); infarmavavshy student requirements; p setting assessment procedure; infarmavavshy student evaluation results, producing a paper on the assessment).
Teacher from Warsaw Eva Borg on presentation techniques "Active Score" and p site said that in recent years the world has changed and the purpose of evaluation approaches. From the recording of the results to the evaluation of the development, and hence improve the quality of education. Appraisal p becomes active in the philosophy of modern education.

Express poll ("flying detachment"). It may be a short oral or written answers (for example, cards on the knowledge of basic concepts), p specify the type of "Prolong tale", fill in the table, draw a chart to chart, etc.
Qualitative evaluation methods
Evaluation of the lesson pupils:
Interview - method, providing personal contact with the student in which the teacher asks questions he answers and fixes. Distinguish:
Cooperative group work - is an important component of effective teaching. However, group training - it's much more than just work together. The main task of the group work - to engage students in the learning process, providing all shared a common p goal, understanding that the overall p success of the group is only possible if the high potency and effectiveness p of each group member.
Can be used in conjunction with quantitative methods (individual testing cards for individual assignments, etc.) in order to expand the understanding of the content and the learning process;
Second we managed to use not only one source of information?
Example 5:
if the group can establish exactly what the results of joint work to evaluate before putting the final estimates.
Observation is one of the leading strategies in the application of evaluation of interactive teaching methods. The teacher chooses a performance p that he will track during the lesson, as well as students who need to evaluate. You can use forms prepared for observation.
-How is this different from the idea of M.?
Student portfolio is a form of organization and process (collection, sampling and analysis) of samples and products of educational-cognitive activity of students, as well as relevant information material from external sources (classmates, teachers, community organizations) intended for further analysis, a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student's level of training and further correction of the learning process.
Portfolio p is a form of authentic assessment of educational outcomes by product, created by students during the academic, creative, social and other activities. Portfolio allows the student to take into account the results achieved them in a variety of activities (academic, creative, social, p communicative, etc.) and is an important element of practice-oriented approach to education. In organizing the portfolio is essential given the planning and evaluation of their students learning outcomes.
In the evaluation portfolio student selects p those elements that are either required in the assessment portfolio p at the request of the teacher, or, in the opinion of the student that best reflect its efforts and progress in learning.
Second teacher should list the substantive goals (associated with the course knowledge and skills) p and procedural goals (produced generic skills such as research skills sources, the ability to write, or the ability to work productively in a group).
Third Teacher and student agree what work will be considered as evidence of achievement of teaching

Friday, June 27, 2014

Manifestations of identity Vitebsk participants talk show looking for in the architectural appearan

Belarusians will! "Urban identity Vitebsk: the truth and stereotypes
Magic Card Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects Finding the dragon! Black and White Fight gene dozen poems. Restart - 2 Dozen. Reload Interests We HERE! Be a Belarusian Be Byelorussian Byelorussian 2 Be 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays! Belarus names: top-12 How I became a Belarusian Paganism
Public company "We Belarusians" Has the talk show "Urban identity dominick cruz Vitebsk: the truth and stereotypes." To debate about this elusive category as identity, it's a lot of interesting people. Pleasure was that the guests dominick cruz of the event were experts and representatives of different generations, each of which has its own city sees problems and their solution. United indisputable idea of "Culture improves life!" Vitebchane tried to find common answers to complex issues and challenges of the life of the city. Ray led at the event this evening Vladimir Bulavskii, campaign dominick cruz coordinator "We Belarusians" In Vitebsk dominick cruz "Modern Belarus (like most countries in the world today) - it is an urban civilization. City have space so that forms of modern citizen or resident of, or weak-willed inhabitant. Cloth woven from architectural outlines, urban heroes, local media, places of worship, urban myths, and many other things, affect the identity of the Vitebsk citizen, that is, at its attachment to the place where he has lived for which works and which considers itself . But what is the very notion of identity? What is the identity of the city is in the formation of the foundation of any nation Attraction? What are the national interdependence and urban identity? "These and other questions were asked to discuss with the experts dominick cruz present.
Experts were Stepan Stureiko, historian, cultural anthropologist, Andrew Lapin, dominick cruz editor of the portal, Eugene Kalbovich, the supervisor of the historic center of Vitebsk and Makar Babenko, head of research of historical reconstruction club Vargentorn. By the way, further conversation showed that experts had the whole room, because there was no indifferent.
Manifestations of identity Vitebsk participants talk show looking for in the architectural appearance of the city and features of the urban space, especially in urban life and the most prominent communities, dominick cruz as well as in the perception of Vitebsk its residents.
Stepan Stureiko, born in Grodno, in response to the question "Where to see the identity?" Stated that the main basis of its appearance is a museum city and photo albums. A good example was the strengthening of local identity, said the start of the museum (it is not clear that such a start to the museum - opening or something else?) Marc Chagall, who once helped largely self-understanding Vitebsk residents and very quickly became one of the known objects in town. According to Mr. Stureiko, dominick cruz Vitebsk residents have no reason to be upset because their city - leading to changes in the urban space, dominick cruz and native to the historian himself Grodno seen him on the spot last.
Andrew Lapin looked at the issue more in youth and shared their experience in terms of online marketing. dominick cruz When guests ask where to go and what to see, the Victory Park wins Chagall.
Vitebsk dominick cruz many perceived primarily dominick cruz as a town green and peace, rather than as the cultural capital of the province. And although the town hall allows dominick cruz to see the city from above, in order to see the city in detail, you need to have the desire and commitment to see it as at once to find attractions stranger is not so simple.
Eugene Kalbovich laid issue from the perspective of the citizen and official. And with him went on the most heated debates about the fate of the city. According to Mr. Kalbovicha question ranking of any city, Vitebsk and including the issue has "hierarchical coding of the city." We must never forget that the city is visited by different people, dominick cruz and the city itself is also different. Each guest needs and wants to see their city. "Now Vitebsk identified anew, because nowadays it is quite another Vitebsk than what it was 30 years ago." Mainly according Kalbovicha is the preservation of the city as a unique pattern dominick cruz Vilnius Baroque and dynamic development dominick cruz of its entire ensemble.
Makar Babenko proposed quite a lot of modern and daring dominick cruz that to our reality, ideas that can give the city life, wider encyclopedic. Vitebsk must instill more interactivity, allowing people to connect with the city directly. Indeed, dominick cruz if you've seen in any of the cities virtual exhibition of historical Jewish town with NIS and other realities since then? Then why not become an innovator Vitebsk? dominick cruz
During the discussion it became clear that is not in place and the development of Architectural thought. Interesting news and a good example was the information that architects "wrapped" projects have developed

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A strong economy and honest government - the foundation of independence and prosperity of the nation
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Home Politics Belarus A strong economy and honest government - the foundation of the country's independence and prosperity of the nation's economy strong and honest government - the foundation of the country's independence and prosperity of the nation
Message from the President of the Belarusian disney cruise deals people and the National Assembly lasted about four hours. The head of state touched on a wide range of topics relating to both the situation in the country, so i overseas events.
First of all, the President stressed the importance of preserving the independence of Belarus disney cruise deals and maintaining the unity of the people. "I appeal to you in difficult times. States disney cruise deals around us began to move. Ukraine rages, full historical growth of Russia tries to stand. Crumbling before our eyes the old boundaries. And for the first time in many years in Europe again pulled the smoke from the explosions, "- said the head of state.
The President noted that the post-Soviet period has ended, a new era begins, disney cruise deals and what it will be, do not know, unfortunately, no. "Fortunately, in our country quietly. And in the international arena, we continue to act as a responsible and reliable partner who wants all the nations of the world and the good. We are not involved in external conflicts, - said Alexander Lukashenko. - And yet we have nothing to worry about. We do not live on a deserted island in the ocean. disney cruise deals Any geopolitical upheavals, particularly in Eastern Europe, and be sure to touch us. "
"In this situation we have any means to defend our main value - the independence of the country, the sacred right to live on their own land and their own destiny," - he stressed.
According disney cruise deals to the President, it requires at least three things: the unity of the people of Belarus; Lessons learned from their mistakes and errors neighbors; a clear blueprint for the future of Belarus, is able to inspire disney cruise deals and unite the older and the younger generation of the country.
"The unity of the people we talk often. And it's not the ritual words. Another ancient Bible taught: "A house divided in itself shall not stand." Today, history shows us the tragic confirmation of this millennial wisdom, "- said the President. disney cruise deals
"We, Belarusians, do not want and should not allow the division of society. Our independence and statehood irritate disney cruise deals young, of course, disney cruise deals many. And if our unity will crack, there are certainly willing to take advantage of it, "- said the Belarusian leader.
"Our course is developed disney cruise deals the whole of society - young and older generations, workers and farmers, businessmen and intellectuals, supporters of the government and its critics. All who are not indifferent disney cruise deals to the Fatherland and loving Belarus. And if we continue to keep the main value - our unity, Belarus disney cruise deals and continue to save the independence of its confident way of the future - said the President. - It is because of the unity we have chosen our path in the economy - the way of common sense and justice. We did not give pilfer property, not given to divide society into rich and poor, protect and support the working man. We do not burn the barricades, and not destroy the structure, do not rob and kill people in broad daylight. "
"Unity does not mean likeminded people. We do not have a gray society - humble and indifferent to everything. Such a society - without values, without roots, without believing in yourself - easily fall prey to the enemy forces, both internal and external, "- said the President.
According to Alexander Lukashenko, today not only Russia, but also the whole of Europe is at a turning point of historical epochs. "Every state should provide an answer to the challenge of time. What will be our answer depends not only on the power of the President, but also from each of the n

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Prague accent Examination Freedom Online conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone

Eurasian integration: the cart before the horse
Shqip cussing عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca Nohchiyn BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG Belarusian دری ქართული English RFE / RL Regional Afghanistan Adyghe Kyrgyz Kazakh Macedonian پشتو افغانستان پاکستان فارسی Româneşte Toҷikӣ ozodi. org Tatar cussing Qırım Turkmen Vzbekcha Ukrainian cussing Cream Russian Russian Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Crimea cussing
Prague accent Examination Freedom Online conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone
Slovyansk Residents Say Shooting Continues Despite Cease-Fire (Clean)
List of banned in the European Union: Who will get under adjustments What positive cussing steps Belarus saw Europe cussing Steel productive summit in Minsk? Khalip chorus of Western politicians and wife Bialiatski Lukashenko urged not to make concessions to the regime without the rehabilitation of political prisoners
We can say that Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev forced becoming big allies to counterbalance the Russian domination of various regional integration? Whether Russia is prepared to give up their listings from the Russian budget oil export duty for Belarus? What are the odds at the moment of European politicians to increase the attractiveness of the European vector for the Belarusian leadership - or in Europe today have little cussing chance? To these questions in the program "Prague accent" political analyst responsible Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies Melyantsou Denis, associate professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations Kirill Koktysh, research director cussing Eugene Preygerman Liberal Club. Belarus from Russia to pay for political cussing integration. Tsigankov: What trends are demonstrated in the post-summit in Minsk October 24 and 25? We can say that Putin's Eurasian Union project is becoming more specific features and is not some phantom were talking about a few years ago?
Kirill Koktysh Melyantsou: Project takes place in accordance with the planned schedule. Another thing is that it is created rather formally. Governing bodies, structures, prescribed some rules, but does not dare to question this most global integration project. Creates a single economic space, despite the fact that the formation is not completed or a free trade area or customs union. Today there are so many different exceptions. Official Minsk wants equal profits in energy prices, cussing Kazakhstan would like access to Russian pipelines. This is the most important thing that motivates the integration of Kazakhstan and Belarus. So the big question remains whether this project cussing more effectively and unfold. Since he does not go properly cussing at appropriate levels cussing - as was the European Union. Oz is put before the horse, and this explains a lot of political problems that continually emerge to the surface. Tsigankov: And what would you explain this scheme - the cart before the horse? Or the fact that politicians are trying somehow to quickly report on their successes and declare some success cussing before the conditions are ripe for them? Melyantsou: Yes. For Russia, it is a political and geopolitical cussing project - Eurasian integration. And for the rest of the participants is a project of economic, attempt to improve the conditions of their economic existence. Belarus from Russia to pay for political integration. Tsigankov: What the said Denis seems to have been expressed at the summit in the words of President of Kazakhstan, which sharply criticized cussing the Eurasian Economic Commission. How can we explain this criticism? We can say that Alexander Lukashenko cussing and Nursultan Nazarbayev forced becoming big allies cussing to counterbalance the Russian domination of various regional integration? "There integration projects cussing that develop, despite the fact that the previous agreement are not met." Preygerman: Yes, Nazarbayev issued a concentrated block of criticism on many aspects of Eurasian integration. Or is it that they become allies with Lukashenko? I think, hardly at all in this format you can talk about any permanent allies. Here reflected in

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

If you have any trouble explain in Russian, but it is

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Reading about the latest survey results about the knowledge and use of the Belarusian language, conducted non-governmental organization "We Belarusians" I was upset. Of course, we do not know anything about the quality of both surveys, bolsover in other words, how close to reality the results in both cases, and whether bolsover the situation is deteriorating.
Nevertheless, I consider it necessary to share their experiences of speech, even more psychological practices with those who feel the desire to speak Belarusian daily, but it meets certain obstacles in his path. I myself am a child often visited his relatives in Latvia, Ukraine, worked in Europe. That is around me has always been present at least two languages. And based on all of the experience and what he saw and I build my own line wires.
According to my observations, it is harder to start to speak Belarusian those who remember you in Russian. bolsover It is necessary to break the ice early. Do not ask permission, explains that "now you have another." This complicates the process. Just at the next meeting whether to start a conversation, start it in Belarusian. Someone surprised anyone would even notice.
Language as well - a good filter in choosing a partner. All worthy, friendly and beautiful girls I know, a good command of the Belarusian language and willing to go at it, trying to keep the conversation going. Language for a girl - and a way to lure, and a way to "snub" simultaneously. And everything happens on full automatic.
I'm not saying that people who do not want to perceive you as a Belarusian-language, something worse. Just their values bolsover diverge significantly from yours. How much you need people in the phonebook - answer yourself this question.
The situation is slightly different with their parents than with friends and acquaintances. Is it just that they are harder to reject, and perhaps in your more dependent on them. Well, if you already live a separate life from their parents. In this case, even when a conflict is unlikely you it threatens something important. Your principles, your life purpose, your spiritual growth more. Anyway, I'm here, too, I do not advise something to discuss in advance.
Take as the setting for yourself in a conversation in Belarusian nothing supernatural. And feel it is absolutely kangruentna like in Belarusian you talked all his life. You do not do heroic act, you just talk.
Know that in the end you will always support the parents and will not allow others to insult bolsover aggressive relatives. Generally, your family - this is an area where we must necessarily settle toning, even if beyond the walls of his house you will be completely Russian-speaking person. This will significantly improve the quality of energy that you pass through itself and allow you to be much more confident in any other social situations. bolsover
With colleagues problems may or may not be. Each team has closed a significant plus - interdependence. You can not arbitrarily get rid colleagues, but colleagues can not just get rid of you. Have to take you for who you are. And after hours even though hanged himself. The most important thing to set the tone and not sacrifice principles.
If you have any trouble explain in Russian, but it is "go" under the team makes no sense. If you are worth something as an employee, then you will not expel Chief. Most will be more expensive. Again, I describe just too limiting cases. bolsover In fact, I never had any problems with the Belarusian language at work.
Perhaps I did not like, but others, on the contrary, become a better bolsover opinion of me and approached. That is relevant to you is likely to be more contrasting. For me, it's better bolsover than trying bolsover to please everyone. And even what I always want. If I have someone bolsover in the team hates and grinds his teeth in his sleep, for me it is top class. In principle, it is an indication that there is something you deserve. bolsover
It is not necessary bolsover to require that you speak Belarusian and allowed only Belarusian-forms and contracts for signature bolsover - a way to make enemies. But to defend its legitimate right to speak Belarusian - your sacred duty.
Let's say you do not just work in a closed team, but you still have to "hand to kill" their customers bolsover that they bought you some explanation. Frankly, the experience I have here a little bit. I myself am in Belarusian traded unless some b / at everyday things, electronics. With a large, perhaps, only in his car, and she left her wanting a first look, and she ad been hanging at least two days. But it all C2C (citizen to citizen, citizen citizen), I am

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca

"To live on a pension can not be even in the village ..."
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Without ties. Every people drinking wine deserves
Beyond that, as hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians continue to fight for the European future of their homeland, many Belarusians watch with conflicting feelings: one - with joy, others - with envy, and others - with sympathy ... And some (in authority) - obviously with anxiety and fear.
"We are now one occupation officials - to get into our pockets to pull out the last of his money ..." "Scary" government cease fire "No war could not destroy the Belarusian village so ..." "Faces everywhere sullen, suspicious. Well, if the enemy circle .... "" Population - less, officials - all the more ... "
"Today, one thing is clear: to save his own skin Yanukovych will go to any relationship with Moscow, the Kremlin will give all that he neither wants. It is not difficult to guess that Yanukovych wants at all costs to stay in the presidential chair, and after 2015. Why? Most likely because he and his entourage boarded a monstrous corruption. Handing over power - means to be under investigation, and in the end there, where is the Tymoshenko. He is afraid of disclosure and independent court. Under these conditions, the Ukrainian opposition baltic sea anomaly should unite in one powerful movement - no other way to win, it does not. Need to prepare civil disobedience, Ukrainian strike. And, of course, you must at all costs from the dungeons to release Yulia Tymoshenko, but then what if something had happened to her ... And Belarusians baltic sea anomaly should closely monitor the developments in Ukraine, gain intelligence and experience: soon all this can come in handy. " Indeed, the current events in Ukraine is extremely important for the future of Belarus. It's not about the experience: what dispersal of peaceful demonstrators by riot police, the Belarusian opposition knows perhaps better Ukrainian. And Yanukovych regime is far from being on the degree of authoritarianism and violence that Lukashenko's regime in Belarus. Ukraine is at the crossroads between the EU and Russia. Moscow will be able to tighten it on its side - and restore the lost empire can acquire very different speed and magnitude. Belarus in this geopolitical game is not actually involved with her opinion no one considered. Lukashenko unilateral foreign baltic sea anomaly policy has led to the fact that those and other long believed Belarus undivided sphere of influence of the Kremlin. And her in this trade no one does not even offer. By the following letter - a longtime friend of Paul Satz Kosovo village Malorita district - talks about how zapaslivasts and thrift help to survive the current Belarusian reality:
"Our factory produces Pinsk match such poor quality that the words just do not suffice. Sometimes it happens: 40 pieces in a box of 15 matches - all without sulfur heads. Even after drying lit only every 7-10 match. And before anyone baltic sea anomaly cares. If I had not bought his time in the reserve matches produced baltic sea anomaly in the Soviet Union, baltic sea anomaly did not know how I would now fanned oven. Those matches were reliable, quality. In the box - 70-75 pieces. Lie more than 20 years, and well lit. It is a pity that there are only three packaging. How to run - probably have to buy in Ukraine, Rovno factory production ...
Where are we with such quality products to which international markets? baltic sea anomaly .. In general, I have not once in my life convinced: supply baltic sea anomaly woes does not. So this year we have many well with

Monday, June 23, 2014

Of course, it would be foolish to claim that the whole world is aware of the policies of the past,

Theodor Schieder. The role of historical consciousness in politics | Belarusian Historical Overview
New issue of the journal Topics Interview XX century cruises to hawaii archeology Arhivalii Belarusian People's Republic of Belarus Belarusians in exile in the world wars Military History Bibliography cruises to hawaii Biographies ON historiography Historical Geography Historical Science cruises to hawaii in neighbors Cultural History History Language History of Religion History of Slavic countries Theses Belarus cruises to hawaii Western Conference Chronology Methodology Political Controversy stories Translations Polotsk principality Russian empire Repression Reviews Rzeczpospolita Social History of Central Europe Epistalyaryya Ethno natsyyavytvorchyya processes
* Schieder, Theodor. Politisches Handeln aus Historischem Bewusstsein / / Historische Zeitschrift. 220 (1975), 4-35. This essay was first read as a lecture at a public meeting Orden Pour le Mèrite für Wissenschaften und Künste May 29, 1974 in Bonn and was printed on his Reden und Gedenkworte, vol. XII (Heidelberg: Lambert Schneider, 1976), 65-91. For publication in the History and Theory (Vol.XVII, Nr.4, Beiheft 17, 1-18), where the text is taken to our translation, essay was expanded to include links.
Obviously, this word does not always have the same meaning. July 14 for the Frenchman has a historic day because it symbolizes cruises to hawaii the assault Bastylii when the French Revolution. On the other hand, we often read that today or tomorrow historic because on this day will be taken "historic" decision. In this context, the word can only mean that the decision is a turning point in terms of the past i i the future. This value is meant Arnold Gehlen, when determined by the historical consciousness as the ability to see the event of epochal significance, what is happening now; in other words, sees the event through the eyes of future generations. For Helena, so the essence of historical cruises to hawaii consciousness is not just on zapaminanni i transfer cruises to hawaii the past, but on how we see the present. [1] Thus, historical consciousness beyond exceptional interest in what happened in the past i become history. cruises to hawaii It also pradugled zhvae use acquired knowledge as an element in the formation of ideas i actions cruises to hawaii that will determine the future. Historical consciousness is not limited to retrospective reasoning, but draws conclusions from the past i apply them to achieve the objectives that are in the future. This line of thinking makes us see not just a random connection, cruises to hawaii but a strong relationship between political practice i historical consciousness.
Of course, it would be foolish to claim that the whole world is aware of the policies of the past, as we know it from history. There is also need to remember the two meanings of the word history. History may affect us directly through events that affect the next generation to leave behind wounds and be a real or imaginary climax. But also affect us in a different way and not so directly, our knowledge of the past, ie, the history of science that shows us the past, worked in the art of reproduction, and, finally, using the scientific method. cruises to hawaii Hugo von Hofmannsthal, speaking cruises to hawaii of "the power of our damn mysterious ancestors within us" and "piled layers of accumulated collective memory", meant the first meaning of the term history. [2] This collective memory, consciously or unconsciously affects both the decisions cruises to hawaii of individuals and the collective behavior of large social forces at work in history, ie, nations, countries, states and classes - groups which, in our opinion, function as independent cruises to hawaii organisms and determine the scope of the individual, and may limit them. Disputes over how uzaemadey influence individual and community decisions are not over yet, but we can say without hesitation that there is a basic historical experience, which obviously affects the mentality of groups. Such experiences can lead to conflicting assessments or to long antagonisms within the nation.
The French Revolution, with its important long-term consequences - a perfect example of this kind. Contradictory attitude to the French Revolution did not change the fact that it was and remains a common base for the historical experience and apologists and opponents, and that this revolution cruises to hawaii has influenced and continues to influence policy. In the history of every nation have such an experience. He may live long in the national consciousness, may be gradually forgotten and superseded by other experiences, can be muted. Impossible to predict how it will be assimilated: there is always some surprises. Events of great historical significance can quickly be forgotten, while others that seem insignificant contemporaries, remain in memory. Thus, contemporaries understand and appreciate the historical events are sometimes wrong. Europeans treated 1918-19, in the context of the victory cruises to hawaii of national democracy. This was undoubtedly an important aspect of the time, but this view ignores two events

Sunday, June 22, 2014

According to some myths, in the very distant past,

Mikola Mikulic. "Winged shadows bustling ... | Flame
From the night in the literature zapadnobelorusskoy 20-30-ies of the last century belongs creativity Illyashevicha Fedor (1910-1948). Poet asserted high spiritual and humanistic foundations of life, his neadolnasts and unmatched strength and kinship po cruises idea payadnanastsi most genetically coded essence of the world, the environment and the human soul. Collections H. Illyashevicha "Vesnapesni" (1929), "Star Trek" (1932) and "Zahvarbavanyya poems" (1936) suggest that his artistic consciousness was determined to zvernutastsyu mythological, spiritual and metaphysical features of folk beliefs and ideas, which provided unity and integrity of complex life processes characteristic svetatsentrychnasts, all communication with all interdependence and interdependence, the ideal balance of many phenomena and objects. Poet evaded a direct reflection of reality, understanding the social and social problems and contradictions, preferring them mentally psychological abzhyvannyu, po cruises disclosure of the internal world of lyrical, focused on comprehending po cruises things, po cruises the absolute sense of insight. Here we can not agree with the reviewer collection po cruises "Zahvarbavanyya poems" In Ya-ipochemu that the magazine "ears" po cruises noted that "calm, zravnavazhany poem Illyashevicha rarely refers to our passion" po cruises [1, p. 59]. Phenomena and processes of the environment are brought to mind of the poet, mainly as a certain soul-sense actions, emotionally and psychological patterns. In the poem "I do not know ..." he emphasized po cruises the following: "As if the priest said a quiet, submissive, po cruises / / I do a spell over them / / to the poem - words samples / / shining beads expensive" [2, p. 13]. It was not just artistic techniques pagan spirituality, mythologizing and mystification of reality - H. Illyashevich lived that felt what he believed. He believed in nature and if all the world has a "common basis of organic life" (V. Soloviev) endowed with a soul, is subject to a high magical power is in constant transformation and renovation:
A thousand suns poured po cruises in glasses set. Radio - wire ... Ravens po cruises celebrate Vespers ... freshness naveyvae vulachny darkness - Designated po cruises evening. In the spark that lick azure languages missiles into the sea of people, restless ever ... I can hear some of the world hi - Eternal Will ... [3, p. 13].
Spiritual worldview H. Illyashevicha largely characterized by the features of an ideal start, po cruises as convincing evidence poem "Sometimes in my soul meledyyay amazing ...", "Evening pampered, if the distance ..." "The sun is sinking in red jelly ...", "Misty po cruises Night came ... "" Fairy Tale "," Music "and others. Reading them, we see that the mysterious po cruises and enigmatic soul of the world sold itself and how "MiGs lamp. Silent night ... / / Byazlisty naked garden noise ... "(" Barcode "), and how" Near the river ... blue lights / / fun evening - the darkness ... "(" Around the walls - simple lines ... "), and how "In the ears of the sickle-month zadylinkav - / / I vyachorny vyzvanvae psalm / / darkened murozhnik - clinker po cruises ..." ("Fairy Tale"). "The yellow leaves lit white evening glow powdered morning - the poet says in the poem" Autumn Poem ". - A night on the fly wire overnight po cruises star in the mist "[4, po cruises p. 12]. Life in his art system disclosed as infinite changing flow of interrelated phenomena and facts and simultaneously as defined with respect to a closed sphere, which provides their recurrence, recurrence, rhythmic frequency po cruises operation. Everyday processes and things in the environment acquired H. Illyashevicha po cruises unusual, surreal, po cruises magical fairy-identification, spiritual content. At the same time, the flimsy po cruises dreamy, mystical paintings and images, the presence of which was caused by the flight of the author's imagination, intuitive-sensory perception of the world, obtained his real subject-content, realistic coloring. Quite often figurative po cruises and metaphorical image is rotated so that it is difficult to distinguish where one ends and another begins:
Trees whispering in the divine dramotse, stars burn, caught in areas legkavzdymny steam burn incense in the swamp, melt in the night ... It tsihaspevnyya hymns of prayer for the space - the universe in light gentle awakening earth ... Like winged fairy tale Hey, if fine-chants longing ... listen ... Shut up ... [3, p. 60].
According to some myths, in the very distant past, "heaven and earth were the father and mother of all that exists in the world ... in the most ancient times, they were bound and only later were separated" [5, p. 156]. Connect them day and night, sun and darkness, light and shadow, wind and rain. In the poem H. Illyashevicha "Trees po cruises in the divine whisper dramotse ..." earthly and heavenly, real and mythological, physical and spiritual are able vzaemaapladnennya, exchange energy, the vital forces. It develops one and combined with others, presupposes po cruises the existence of a third, as a result sublimiruetstsa in nova

The series of events that will present francesco schettino the diversity francesco schettino of the

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The main idea of the festival is a blend of art with nature, creating art using natural resources, landscape and modern space. The festival has an appointment to bring the audience with art directly into the natural landscape, ecological values of wider dissemination.
Festival-catcher with Borderlands new circus and theater, working in the urban space. It also workshops for beginners and professional circus arts adepts. Carnival francesco schettino originated as a continuation and development of the magician Festival.
One of the principles of the Platform Performance in Lublin is the presentation of different ways, strategies and development of this art. The festival was attended by artists from around the world who belong to different generations. The festival artistic practice is just as important as the theory of art and education. Also showed performance occur seminars, lectures, discussions, exhibitions, multimedia presentations and film screenings.
During the festival, the oldest evidence demonstrates the traditional culture of the different regions of Europe. Every festival is preceded Ethnomusical studies conducted research centers from different countries. The festival is accompanied by traditional dance workshops in different regions of Europe, as well as discussions, exhibitions and presentations.
One of the most famous and important theater festivals in Poland. Aims to show the audience a different theatrical traditions and forms. Every festival is centered around a particular cultural or social problems.
This project is a long-term artistic and cultural exchange between creative media Lublin and Lviv. It involves the exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience, know - how in the field of culture and art. L gives you the opportunity to meet first of all representatives of the "young", "pilot", independent, alternative, contemporary, modern art in Poland and Ukraine.
Occurs four times a year, along with the changes of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. This cycle of performances, film screenings, workshops and dance presentations, francesco schettino which aims to show the most interesting achievements of dance theaters from around the world
Idea of the festival is to present exclusively feature films that have arisen during the independent film. The festival has the character of view the most interesting films of recent times copyright. It occurs in the form of competition.
Formula festival francesco schettino provides for joint creative presence of amateur and professional actors. The festival creates an opportunity to make an independent theater without directors, directors, set designers, administrators, playwrights. Invited to participate especially those who live in towns and villages.
The purpose of the meetings is to show the most interesting artistic francesco schettino proposals professional dance theaters from around the world to promote Polish artists who are looking for opportunities of presentations and discussions, as well as support for amateur teams.
"Kantestatsyi" - a review of student theaters, organized by students from the circle of the Academic Center of Culture "Student francesco schettino house". The main idea of the festival is widely understood protest against the existing reality and to promote theater among students.
Is outstanding jazz musicians from around the world. His idea of the festival dates back to the achievements of Lublin jazz meeting, where many years ago debuted outstanding Polish artists such as Jay or Stanislav Ewa Bem.
"Codes" kanfrantuyuts musical tradition with modernity. This clash and alliance archaic music with jazz, electronics, modern classical music, with a sound canon Union experiments. Most of the projects during the festival - the premiere.
The original event and total formula - created primarily by residents of the city. Poetic meetings are held in schools, park alleys, buses, private homes, hospitals and even prisons. The festival is also organized happenings, performances, appear graffiti, murals, concerts, francesco schettino performances, film screenings.
The series of events that will present francesco schettino the diversity francesco schettino of the cultures of ethnic and religious minorities in Lublin, their coexistence and interdependence. The project does not reach their traditions and the past, and brings a modern multicultural city. The main idea of the festival - the promotion of tolerance and intercultural dialogue.
Its called the cultural manifestation of Lublin. This is the only night of the year, when the culture is present on a massive scale almost everywhere, francesco schettino especially in the center and the Old Town. Streets, alleys francesco schettino and squares from evening to morning filled with cultural francesco schettino events. Artists show their achievements, prepared especially for this reason, the audience has outdoor theaters, museums, concert francesco schettino halls.
Based on the idea of the liberation of art from the museum space in favor of changing the urban environment. Within a month, artists create and show their work in public space. The idea suggests that ma

Saturday, June 21, 2014

This does not mean that the onset of the global confrontation is

Given the global trends
About us Our publications Newspaper "Zvezda" newspaper "LiM" Journal "Neman" Journal "Flame" nicko tours magazine "Youth" magazine "Hedgehog" Book Group Archive Old version Archive Site Archive newspaper nicko tours Contact Advertising in publications Advertising agencies Subscription Appeal Received
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"Ho bowls mi ru - ryh tui wai smiling to us" - the one hundred ge ra tion INH la ting Skye when mov ka ki Rua where John is not su mi world tion to a ditch in the last week of no. Fit to a smiling in that Kuyu lo gi ku and Be la Russ.
Chief Information occasion around which international events nicko tours unfolded last week remained the situation in Ukraine. Forthcoming presidential elections and government's inability to solve the most pressing problems of society contribute to further destabilization in the region. East and south of the country nicko tours under rebel pro-Russian slogans, "Right sector" tried to announce the next stage of the revolution nicko tours on the Maidan, the government nicko tours was forced to take very strict austerity measures that cause general discontent of the population. Alone gas tariffs for citizens will be increased by 41%, which, nicko tours according to experts, can provoke in the country "food riots." In parallel, we are working to increase the retirement age, reducing social benefits, increasing the size of the required payments by the population.
This political and socio-economic instability in Ukraine continues to provoke external nicko tours players to more action in the region. nicko tours When Russia nicko tours after the Crimean script positioning its activity nicko tours in the north-western borders solely as exercises, nicko tours the U.S. and NATO countries openly nicko tours declared that the buildup of their military presence in the Baltic, Black Sea, and in the future - in Poland, Romania and other countries due to a desire create a counterweight to the "military threat from Moscow."
However, the deep economic interdependence of Russia, Europe and the United States are not allowed to take the conflict unchecked. Speeches of politicians last week showed well that the parties are not willing to go to considerable expense over Ukraine. Even Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that the EU should so change its foreign policy, not to put the country in the region with a choice "or Europe or Russia."
However, even more than the desire to continue cooperation with Moscow, the position of Europe and the United States undermined by the lack of unity of purpose between Brussels and Washington. If the EU continues to express readiness to reach a higher level of integration with Ukraine, the U.S. is strengthening Europe poses a serious threat. nicko tours That is why the European Union and NATO, even now reigns disorder caused by the unwillingness of Washington seriously increase their military presence in the region.
This does not mean that the onset of the global confrontation is "invalid" will not be very intense. Simply dividing line in it are more complicated than people think.
Seriousness of the new strategic situation fully appreciated an experienced politician, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Last week he sacked the government and Serik Akhmetov appointed Prime Minister of the former head of the presidential administration, Karim Massimov (pictured).
In parallel, a number of changes occurred. Ex-Prime Minister Akhmetov was appointed defense minister. Ex-Defense Minister Adilbek Jaksybekov nicko tours became Secretary of State of Kazakhstan. The head of the presidential administration appointed a former speaker of the lower house of parliament Nurlan Nigmatulin. nicko tours Vice-Speaker of the Majilis daughter took Daryga nicko tours Nursultan Nazarbayev, who also headed the parliamentary faction of the ruling party.
President of Kazakhstan informed decision-making need to strengthen the work of the government (and especially - the government) n

Friday, June 20, 2014

Is it democracy to impose a duty? About voting percentage is low testify about this lackluster inte

The case: In Norway there to vote for anyone over 18. In some countries, such as Australia, however, there is a voice duty. Where is it illegal to avoid voice without good reason. I think it should be so in all democratic countries. I note that the Local Government and Regional Development Magnhild Meltveit from the Centre Party (Sp) and her ministry is working to implement an electronic system for voting at the municipal and parliamentary elections in Norway. The plan is supposed that voters will eventually be able to vote using their PC in your living room. Kleppa believe this will increase the interest of choice and thus increase participation. The voting or voting duty? The Minister shall have the praise that she will increase voter turnout in this country. A democracy is in my opinion relies on a high turnout for the national parliaments and governments to be legitimate. The more votes, the better represented and anchored in the population are politicians. A low voter turnout is a warning sign of democratic systems. I think, however, spitzbergen that the best solution to increase participation is to introduce a system á là as in Australia where you actually are obliged to vote. There are of course so sick and dying have to travel to the nearest polling booth with danger to life and health, but anyone who does not have a good reason to "escape" to actually vote in this country. I support this solution because I think it's the best way to safeguard democracy on. If you are interested, you can only vote blank. spitzbergen I think however that if you have voice then comes the interest of what and who to vote for to increase. "Once one is in the room" so one may also vote for a party and then it's good to know what you feel deserves their support. Australia does not seem to have been harmed by mandatory voting system so it should be tried out here in Norway. . . . .
Labels: Australia, democracy, voting system, Magnhild Meltveit, Norway, PC, politics, government, the Centre Party, voting, mandatory voting, vote, parliament, elections, voter turnout
You MUST vote ... probably a communist ideas that tell people what to do. Seems scheme should be as it is today, where people can choose whether to participate or not. The times not to force someone to do something, the result could have ripple effects, as for example the incredible number of irritation voted for "White Electoral Alliance", then you would wear a little Shiva if they came to power. July 6, 2009 at. 09.47
Anonymous 3: You MUST vote ... probably a communist ideas that tell people what to do. - What does this have to do with communism? spitzbergen Seems scheme should be as it is today, where people can choose whether to participate or not. - Ideally, yes, but what should one do if the turnout will be at the fifty percent? It is incredibly dangerous for democracy. What if only ten percent of the electorate voted. Then the lesser of performing electoral fraud and political parties, parliament and government will have extremely low representation and rooted in the people. No damaged by allocating one day every four years (or every two years if you want to introduce it at both the municipal and parliamentary elections - but now it is a matter of moving the municipal elections day to the same day or year that the general election) spitzbergen to cast one vote , to perform an action that is essential in a democracy. It should have been a duty similar to taking a year of service to the nation (military or civilian). The times not to force someone to do something, spitzbergen the result could have ripple effects, as for example the incredible number of irritation voted for "White Electoral Alliance", then you would wear a little Shiva if they came to power. - It can certainly cause irritation, but as far as I know there is no significant group eg. Australia who have performed such acts which you mention. Why would I fret about White Electoral Alliance came to power by the way? I think society would wear, but I personally spitzbergen would probably be okay because I'm white myself. July 6, 2009 at. 10:32
Is it democracy to impose a duty? About voting percentage is low testify about this lackluster interest in politics and is something that must come into the open. It helps not to introduce spitzbergen mandatory voting and thus believe spitzbergen that democracy will be so much better. If very few votes in the election, then there is a danger to democracy. Democracy is not helped by the fact that it is enforced. July 6, 2009 at. 10:52
I actually think I would have considered going to jail to protest against such an unnecessary abuse of power. The eventual wanted my voice gone to the first and best party that promised to repeal vote coercion. The kind of measures do not belong in any democracy, and I know very well who call this communism (due to excessive spitzbergen regulation of people). The impact abuse of individuals' freedom belongs certainly no place in any democracy. I am however also a strong opponent of voting from home. There is too many m

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finally a sensible post about food prices! Of course, this study shows the relationship between wag

The case: Norwegians consume less and less money on food and new figures show that only 11% of our earnings goes to this end. We are quick to complain in this country, but makes really how good we have it. When we travel abroad and experience how cheap it is to shop there compared to Norway as are many of us a little disappointed when they get home and have to pay the price for Norwegian foods. New figures show, however, that we have nothing to complain about. Only 11% of our earnings goes to food and drink, according Dagsavisen, Dagbladet and VG. Two hours of work for one week of food for it's prices relative to wages, we need to look at here. For it is enough cheap to shop in Romania for Norwegians with Norwegian wages, but for households in Romania is not as good. They spend 29% of their salary to feed their families. And not long ago it was like conditions in Norway. Just 25 years ago, he had to work for four and a half hours to get enough food for one week's consumption. Today you only need to work one hour and 53 minutes for the same amount of goods. And when 23 years ago had to put up with paying 91 kroner (173 million in today's money) per pound of chops, while today you can get a kilo for the same commodity at below 30 million.
What really is where these people live in???? I earn 135 per hour after taxes, that I can buy my food for 260 kr, and it should stay a whole week??? it hangs not on hold at all, then I have to catch rats and mice to supplement the soup anyway. July 20th, 2009 at. 10:23
Fundamental alyeska resort Fallacy! Fallacy / plain lie that farmers' association has whimpering for some time and gained a certain acceptance for, but not among people who possess a minimum of economics background. NO, it is NOT price to pay to be watching. Price relative to earnings tells of purchasing power, not about whether something is expensive or cheap. When an item is done 2-3 times as expensive as necessary (some foods are even customs markup above 400%) compared alyeska resort with other countries to increase government revenue / protect Norwegian manufacturers, so you can not claim that the product is cheap! July 20th, 2009 at. 10:36
If one hour and 53 minutes is about 11% of the weekly working time jobs to only just over 17 hours in uka.Hvem makes it? Looking at food prices now, and they have increased significantly in just a few years, and it's not my salary and wages of "ordinary" wage earners. Looking at the article in VG, DB and Dagsavisen as the purest nonsense. July 20th, 2009 at. 10:46
Finally a sensible post about food prices! Of course, this study shows the relationship between wage levels and rates in the various countries. Our salary levels are now beginning to be rather high, most people have good purchasing power. alyeska resort Although food prices are rising year by year, in line with most others, they are still food "cheaper" alyeska resort in terms of purchasing power. And if you can not manage to stick to about one thousand lobe of food per month to ONE person, so I ask: WHERE buys you food? And are you making no food at home? And are you going to eat you to death? July 20th, 2009 at. 15.15
If you eat half-closed and liver paste for all meals then that's maybe okay. And it's certainly not everyone who earns a lot of money. a family of five user then also more money on food than eg just me. There are also families of 5 + + It seems that some believe that absolutely everyone in this country is stiff with grits, but that's certainly not. I suffer absolutely no need, but there are many who have it much tighter than me. July 20th, 2009 at. 19.41
Stig Terje: The article _er_ insofar as the purest nonsense, alyeska resort in the sense that the basket it is compared to working in the different countries are not supposed to be equivalent to one week's consumption. NTB that all the aforementioned newspaper source has made a huge roar there ... If you expect a bit of it, then one can deduce that they probably buy about. alyeska resort 2.3 such carts in a week. (Since alyeska resort 2.3 * 17 = 40t) Anonymous in first post says he earns 260 for 1hr 53min, and the times we have that number by 2.3, we get 600kr. It would have to vote better with a weekly shopping?! July 20th, 2009 at. 20.30
Anonymous 1: What really is where these people live in???? I earn 135 per hour after taxes, that I can buy my food for 260 kr, and it should stay a whole week??? - I think this is based on average income, which is probably part of 135 per hour :) Now, 135 x 2 = 270 and not 260, but yes it is not so much food in one week there. But it is well possible something it was not before. Would have been interesting to see the figures they have obtained these statistics from yes :) July 21, 2009 at. 8.8
Anonymous 2: Fundamental Fallacy! Fallacy / plain lie that farmers' association has whimpering for some time and gained a certain acceptance for, but not among people who possess a minimum of economics background. - I have zero background in finance and pieces why this without thinking so much about. It would be interesting alyeska resort to look at the numbers behind this statistic yes, but is it really so wrong? NE

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The U.S. National Archives freed Friday the directory where Hauge's personnel file size oppfrt. royal carribean cruises Several other prominent Norwegian politicians and military also worked royal carribean cruises for the OSS, the lists. Among them was army chief Wilhelm Hansteen, Wages politician Hkon Kyllingmark and Knut Lier Hansen from heavy water sabotage at Rjukan, THE CASE Leftist site
War historian Lars Parlament says it will be interesting to study closer to the type of mission Hauge and the other was for U.S.. He believes it was far more Norwegian contacts and agents than the few known so far.
- OSS was created and organized as a war organization, with purposes royal carribean cruises conducting intelligence royal carribean cruises after the United States entered the war. It is natural that resistance from countries that were allied with the United States participated, but it gjenstr closer look at what they actually did, says Parlament. (NTB)
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2014 DB Medialab AS Responsible redaktr Dagbladet / John Arne Markussen

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

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( travel to the U.S. is populrt like never before. Are there any questions on in connection with travel to the U.S. or do you have tips and advice on what to see or experience, you can get help Widar Jensen Discover America. - Many people think first and foremost on California or Florida, but there is so much else to see in the U.S., says Widar Jensen. He has been in the U.S. for a total of 108 times, and bitter 42 states. Road trip in the U.S. strp many people nskeliste. Here Widar some rd: - Do not load for long stages. You reach anyway never see the U.S. p n trip. Five or six hours of driving a day is enough, says Widar Jensen. Sjl he has a road trip tips not many Norwegians thinking of: - Fly to Boston and kjrsrover to Rhode Island and Newport. Or Drive inland to the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire and s south to Boston. Short, good kjrestrekninger, stay on romantic sm Bed & Breakfast, Newport is America's sailing capital jobs on cruise ships - with incredibly beautiful scenery and good food and drink. And Boston has everything you need in American jobs on cruise ships history, from the Boston Tea Party and rebellion against the English to the Salem Witch Museum, says history buffs Widar Jensen. The U.S. has no tourist office in Norway. Discover America is a voluntary interest group to markedsfre U.S. as reisemli Norway.
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Monday, June 16, 2014

Single of the Year Florida Georgia Line featuring Nelly

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

6 Mary says:

As a school we like to celebrate it with all music, our dances ... then what music you would like it to sound the last day of the year? Hopefully particular navios requests 6 students
I would like to put David Guetta ft. Sia Titanium. But it could also be Just One Last Time by David Guetta.
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Manuela 5th says:
It's a Beautiful Day-Michael Buble. Do not Tell and the Dandee Cali-nada. Stay-Rihanna. More than friends, Inna. You make me feel-cobra starship love. This is One more night-Maroon 5., Summer Paradise Simple Plan. James Arthur navios impossible. Feel this moment navios Pitbull-ft. Christina Aguilera. Starships, Nicky Minaj. Try-Pink. Good Time-Carly Rae Japsen. Come and Get It, Selena Gomez. Vuelvo in verte-Malu y Pablo Alboran
6 Mary says:
June 23, 2013 at 16:40
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