Saturday, June 28, 2014

Article lecturer of preschool and primary education Minsk Regional Institute of Education Developme

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Article lecturer of preschool and primary education Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development Helena Radevich have a successful attempt to rethink their own methodologies AA. The author p classifies and organizes the evaluation methods, to bring their advantages and that is especially important for practicing teachers, gives concrete p examples and techniques of each of the methods p in the classroom.
Any activity that a person can cultivate it, needs to be assessed. For students main activity is training. That is why the evaluation is an essential element of the educational system, p as estimation influences the development of school educational environment through learning diagnose problems and implement feedback. The idea of development through assessment inherent in the concept of "quality p cycle". Its main thrust p in the evaluation mechanism for continuous improvement of the educational p process.
How is? How will I collect information? (Defining criteria of educational achievements (NASHTOBUZU); infarmavavshy student requirements; p setting assessment procedure; infarmavavshy student evaluation results, producing a paper on the assessment).
Teacher from Warsaw Eva Borg on presentation techniques "Active Score" and p site said that in recent years the world has changed and the purpose of evaluation approaches. From the recording of the results to the evaluation of the development, and hence improve the quality of education. Appraisal p becomes active in the philosophy of modern education.

Express poll ("flying detachment"). It may be a short oral or written answers (for example, cards on the knowledge of basic concepts), p specify the type of "Prolong tale", fill in the table, draw a chart to chart, etc.
Qualitative evaluation methods
Evaluation of the lesson pupils:
Interview - method, providing personal contact with the student in which the teacher asks questions he answers and fixes. Distinguish:
Cooperative group work - is an important component of effective teaching. However, group training - it's much more than just work together. The main task of the group work - to engage students in the learning process, providing all shared a common p goal, understanding that the overall p success of the group is only possible if the high potency and effectiveness p of each group member.
Can be used in conjunction with quantitative methods (individual testing cards for individual assignments, etc.) in order to expand the understanding of the content and the learning process;
Second we managed to use not only one source of information?
Example 5:
if the group can establish exactly what the results of joint work to evaluate before putting the final estimates.
Observation is one of the leading strategies in the application of evaluation of interactive teaching methods. The teacher chooses a performance p that he will track during the lesson, as well as students who need to evaluate. You can use forms prepared for observation.
-How is this different from the idea of M.?
Student portfolio is a form of organization and process (collection, sampling and analysis) of samples and products of educational-cognitive activity of students, as well as relevant information material from external sources (classmates, teachers, community organizations) intended for further analysis, a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student's level of training and further correction of the learning process.
Portfolio p is a form of authentic assessment of educational outcomes by product, created by students during the academic, creative, social and other activities. Portfolio allows the student to take into account the results achieved them in a variety of activities (academic, creative, social, p communicative, etc.) and is an important element of practice-oriented approach to education. In organizing the portfolio is essential given the planning and evaluation of their students learning outcomes.
In the evaluation portfolio student selects p those elements that are either required in the assessment portfolio p at the request of the teacher, or, in the opinion of the student that best reflect its efforts and progress in learning.
Second teacher should list the substantive goals (associated with the course knowledge and skills) p and procedural goals (produced generic skills such as research skills sources, the ability to write, or the ability to work productively in a group).
Third Teacher and student agree what work will be considered as evidence of achievement of teaching

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