Friday, June 27, 2014

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A strong economy and honest government - the foundation of independence and prosperity of the nation
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Home Politics Belarus A strong economy and honest government - the foundation of the country's independence and prosperity of the nation's economy strong and honest government - the foundation of the country's independence and prosperity of the nation
Message from the President of the Belarusian disney cruise deals people and the National Assembly lasted about four hours. The head of state touched on a wide range of topics relating to both the situation in the country, so i overseas events.
First of all, the President stressed the importance of preserving the independence of Belarus disney cruise deals and maintaining the unity of the people. "I appeal to you in difficult times. States disney cruise deals around us began to move. Ukraine rages, full historical growth of Russia tries to stand. Crumbling before our eyes the old boundaries. And for the first time in many years in Europe again pulled the smoke from the explosions, "- said the head of state.
The President noted that the post-Soviet period has ended, a new era begins, disney cruise deals and what it will be, do not know, unfortunately, no. "Fortunately, in our country quietly. And in the international arena, we continue to act as a responsible and reliable partner who wants all the nations of the world and the good. We are not involved in external conflicts, - said Alexander Lukashenko. - And yet we have nothing to worry about. We do not live on a deserted island in the ocean. disney cruise deals Any geopolitical upheavals, particularly in Eastern Europe, and be sure to touch us. "
"In this situation we have any means to defend our main value - the independence of the country, the sacred right to live on their own land and their own destiny," - he stressed.
According disney cruise deals to the President, it requires at least three things: the unity of the people of Belarus; Lessons learned from their mistakes and errors neighbors; a clear blueprint for the future of Belarus, is able to inspire disney cruise deals and unite the older and the younger generation of the country.
"The unity of the people we talk often. And it's not the ritual words. Another ancient Bible taught: "A house divided in itself shall not stand." Today, history shows us the tragic confirmation of this millennial wisdom, "- said the President. disney cruise deals
"We, Belarusians, do not want and should not allow the division of society. Our independence and statehood irritate disney cruise deals young, of course, disney cruise deals many. And if our unity will crack, there are certainly willing to take advantage of it, "- said the Belarusian leader.
"Our course is developed disney cruise deals the whole of society - young and older generations, workers and farmers, businessmen and intellectuals, supporters of the government and its critics. All who are not indifferent disney cruise deals to the Fatherland and loving Belarus. And if we continue to keep the main value - our unity, Belarus disney cruise deals and continue to save the independence of its confident way of the future - said the President. - It is because of the unity we have chosen our path in the economy - the way of common sense and justice. We did not give pilfer property, not given to divide society into rich and poor, protect and support the working man. We do not burn the barricades, and not destroy the structure, do not rob and kill people in broad daylight. "
"Unity does not mean likeminded people. We do not have a gray society - humble and indifferent to everything. Such a society - without values, without roots, without believing in yourself - easily fall prey to the enemy forces, both internal and external, "- said the President.
According to Alexander Lukashenko, today not only Russia, but also the whole of Europe is at a turning point of historical epochs. "Every state should provide an answer to the challenge of time. What will be our answer depends not only on the power of the President, but also from each of the n

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