Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finally a sensible post about food prices! Of course, this study shows the relationship between wag

The case: Norwegians consume less and less money on food and new figures show that only 11% of our earnings goes to this end. We are quick to complain in this country, but makes really how good we have it. When we travel abroad and experience how cheap it is to shop there compared to Norway as are many of us a little disappointed when they get home and have to pay the price for Norwegian foods. New figures show, however, that we have nothing to complain about. Only 11% of our earnings goes to food and drink, according Dagsavisen, Dagbladet and VG. Two hours of work for one week of food for it's prices relative to wages, we need to look at here. For it is enough cheap to shop in Romania for Norwegians with Norwegian wages, but for households in Romania is not as good. They spend 29% of their salary to feed their families. And not long ago it was like conditions in Norway. Just 25 years ago, he had to work for four and a half hours to get enough food for one week's consumption. Today you only need to work one hour and 53 minutes for the same amount of goods. And when 23 years ago had to put up with paying 91 kroner (173 million in today's money) per pound of chops, while today you can get a kilo for the same commodity at below 30 million.
What really is where these people live in???? I earn 135 per hour after taxes, that I can buy my food for 260 kr, and it should stay a whole week??? it hangs not on hold at all, then I have to catch rats and mice to supplement the soup anyway. July 20th, 2009 at. 10:23
Fundamental alyeska resort Fallacy! Fallacy / plain lie that farmers' association has whimpering for some time and gained a certain acceptance for, but not among people who possess a minimum of economics background. NO, it is NOT price to pay to be watching. Price relative to earnings tells of purchasing power, not about whether something is expensive or cheap. When an item is done 2-3 times as expensive as necessary (some foods are even customs markup above 400%) compared alyeska resort with other countries to increase government revenue / protect Norwegian manufacturers, so you can not claim that the product is cheap! July 20th, 2009 at. 10:36
If one hour and 53 minutes is about 11% of the weekly working time jobs to only just over 17 hours in uka.Hvem makes it? Looking at food prices now, and they have increased significantly in just a few years, and it's not my salary and wages of "ordinary" wage earners. Looking at the article in VG, DB and Dagsavisen as the purest nonsense. July 20th, 2009 at. 10:46
Finally a sensible post about food prices! Of course, this study shows the relationship between wage levels and rates in the various countries. Our salary levels are now beginning to be rather high, most people have good purchasing power. alyeska resort Although food prices are rising year by year, in line with most others, they are still food "cheaper" alyeska resort in terms of purchasing power. And if you can not manage to stick to about one thousand lobe of food per month to ONE person, so I ask: WHERE buys you food? And are you making no food at home? And are you going to eat you to death? July 20th, 2009 at. 15.15
If you eat half-closed and liver paste for all meals then that's maybe okay. And it's certainly not everyone who earns a lot of money. a family of five user then also more money on food than eg just me. There are also families of 5 + + It seems that some believe that absolutely everyone in this country is stiff with grits, but that's certainly not. I suffer absolutely no need, but there are many who have it much tighter than me. July 20th, 2009 at. 19.41
Stig Terje: The article _er_ insofar as the purest nonsense, alyeska resort in the sense that the basket it is compared to working in the different countries are not supposed to be equivalent to one week's consumption. NTB that all the aforementioned newspaper source has made a huge roar there ... If you expect a bit of it, then one can deduce that they probably buy about. alyeska resort 2.3 such carts in a week. (Since alyeska resort 2.3 * 17 = 40t) Anonymous in first post says he earns 260 for 1hr 53min, and the times we have that number by 2.3, we get 600kr. It would have to vote better with a weekly shopping?! July 20th, 2009 at. 20.30
Anonymous 1: What really is where these people live in???? I earn 135 per hour after taxes, that I can buy my food for 260 kr, and it should stay a whole week??? - I think this is based on average income, which is probably part of 135 per hour :) Now, 135 x 2 = 270 and not 260, but yes it is not so much food in one week there. But it is well possible something it was not before. Would have been interesting to see the figures they have obtained these statistics from yes :) July 21, 2009 at. 8.8
Anonymous 2: Fundamental Fallacy! Fallacy / plain lie that farmers' association has whimpering for some time and gained a certain acceptance for, but not among people who possess a minimum of economics background. - I have zero background in finance and pieces why this without thinking so much about. It would be interesting alyeska resort to look at the numbers behind this statistic yes, but is it really so wrong? NE

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