Sunday, June 22, 2014

According to some myths, in the very distant past,

Mikola Mikulic. "Winged shadows bustling ... | Flame
From the night in the literature zapadnobelorusskoy 20-30-ies of the last century belongs creativity Illyashevicha Fedor (1910-1948). Poet asserted high spiritual and humanistic foundations of life, his neadolnasts and unmatched strength and kinship po cruises idea payadnanastsi most genetically coded essence of the world, the environment and the human soul. Collections H. Illyashevicha "Vesnapesni" (1929), "Star Trek" (1932) and "Zahvarbavanyya poems" (1936) suggest that his artistic consciousness was determined to zvernutastsyu mythological, spiritual and metaphysical features of folk beliefs and ideas, which provided unity and integrity of complex life processes characteristic svetatsentrychnasts, all communication with all interdependence and interdependence, the ideal balance of many phenomena and objects. Poet evaded a direct reflection of reality, understanding the social and social problems and contradictions, preferring them mentally psychological abzhyvannyu, po cruises disclosure of the internal world of lyrical, focused on comprehending po cruises things, po cruises the absolute sense of insight. Here we can not agree with the reviewer collection po cruises "Zahvarbavanyya poems" In Ya-ipochemu that the magazine "ears" po cruises noted that "calm, zravnavazhany poem Illyashevicha rarely refers to our passion" po cruises [1, p. 59]. Phenomena and processes of the environment are brought to mind of the poet, mainly as a certain soul-sense actions, emotionally and psychological patterns. In the poem "I do not know ..." he emphasized po cruises the following: "As if the priest said a quiet, submissive, po cruises / / I do a spell over them / / to the poem - words samples / / shining beads expensive" [2, p. 13]. It was not just artistic techniques pagan spirituality, mythologizing and mystification of reality - H. Illyashevich lived that felt what he believed. He believed in nature and if all the world has a "common basis of organic life" (V. Soloviev) endowed with a soul, is subject to a high magical power is in constant transformation and renovation:
A thousand suns poured po cruises in glasses set. Radio - wire ... Ravens po cruises celebrate Vespers ... freshness naveyvae vulachny darkness - Designated po cruises evening. In the spark that lick azure languages missiles into the sea of people, restless ever ... I can hear some of the world hi - Eternal Will ... [3, p. 13].
Spiritual worldview H. Illyashevicha largely characterized by the features of an ideal start, po cruises as convincing evidence poem "Sometimes in my soul meledyyay amazing ...", "Evening pampered, if the distance ..." "The sun is sinking in red jelly ...", "Misty po cruises Night came ... "" Fairy Tale "," Music "and others. Reading them, we see that the mysterious po cruises and enigmatic soul of the world sold itself and how "MiGs lamp. Silent night ... / / Byazlisty naked garden noise ... "(" Barcode "), and how" Near the river ... blue lights / / fun evening - the darkness ... "(" Around the walls - simple lines ... "), and how "In the ears of the sickle-month zadylinkav - / / I vyachorny vyzvanvae psalm / / darkened murozhnik - clinker po cruises ..." ("Fairy Tale"). "The yellow leaves lit white evening glow powdered morning - the poet says in the poem" Autumn Poem ". - A night on the fly wire overnight po cruises star in the mist "[4, po cruises p. 12]. Life in his art system disclosed as infinite changing flow of interrelated phenomena and facts and simultaneously as defined with respect to a closed sphere, which provides their recurrence, recurrence, rhythmic frequency po cruises operation. Everyday processes and things in the environment acquired H. Illyashevicha po cruises unusual, surreal, po cruises magical fairy-identification, spiritual content. At the same time, the flimsy po cruises dreamy, mystical paintings and images, the presence of which was caused by the flight of the author's imagination, intuitive-sensory perception of the world, obtained his real subject-content, realistic coloring. Quite often figurative po cruises and metaphorical image is rotated so that it is difficult to distinguish where one ends and another begins:
Trees whispering in the divine dramotse, stars burn, caught in areas legkavzdymny steam burn incense in the swamp, melt in the night ... It tsihaspevnyya hymns of prayer for the space - the universe in light gentle awakening earth ... Like winged fairy tale Hey, if fine-chants longing ... listen ... Shut up ... [3, p. 60].
According to some myths, in the very distant past, "heaven and earth were the father and mother of all that exists in the world ... in the most ancient times, they were bound and only later were separated" [5, p. 156]. Connect them day and night, sun and darkness, light and shadow, wind and rain. In the poem H. Illyashevicha "Trees po cruises in the divine whisper dramotse ..." earthly and heavenly, real and mythological, physical and spiritual are able vzaemaapladnennya, exchange energy, the vital forces. It develops one and combined with others, presupposes po cruises the existence of a third, as a result sublimiruetstsa in nova

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