Sunday, June 29, 2014

Phew, was easier - the bible bad read, but now at least I know that with God or with the devil or p

[Tags | south, disney magic language, hell] Most Belarusians disney magic mistakenly believes that when it comes time to get the direction to the south or hell, otherworldly raznaradchyki disney magic will scrutinize their personal affairs on the scales to weigh the good and bad things ... Nonsense! After all, the largest Christian snag is that God supposedly the same for all: Blacks, Arabs, Chinese and Germans with Belarus. In fact, when the destroyed tower of Babel and awarded people of different languages, the different peoples and gods assigned different. First and foremost was the Word, and the Word was God. Belarusian word, respectively, of the Belarusian God. Try to talk with him at the "big and powerful" anegelskay or Polish - dead-end option for the local man. Gray-haired grandfather irritated frown and favors strong, but within the Belarusian language. Try to escape in Russian, Lithuanian or Polish south also will not work, since thence gods, one heard "akannya", "Yakan", "dekanne" and "tsekanne" give a kick and chase away. It remains to hell, but there is no need to multiply the illusion that suffering and would be easier disney magic zdyakanni Russian swearing or habitual fuck you. After all, the devil in hell, too Belarusian Belarusian-language, and its method of education is much more radical than the desperate calls and lamentations "TBM". Therefore, my dear fellow, is not too late, not run by the Bible, but on a volume or Karatkevich Belarusian language textbook.
From: uladzimer 2012-10-10 7:55 pm (UTC)
From: uladzimer 2012-10-10 8:11 pm (UTC)
You always fucking pleasant to read, and a Belarusian real clean and expressed thoughts ... I want to write about rational Unified Gd and only different pirated versions of different religions and peoples of reincarnation and logical arguments agnostics, but! before the eyes gets a Belarusian described sivoy grandfather Lesovik before which have to remember ... * February - generous with blue frost in March with sakatannem and juice ... * and understand the truth of an underlying written: that people here talk to your god will come from Grandma's language , Mom kolyhanok language and scraps necessarily poem from the school curriculum because it ... - native language, forgotten and downtrodden, but native thanks for the post
Phew, was easier - the bible bad read, but now at least I know that with God or with the devil or parazumeemsya. :) Not that in the Middle Ages - there these characters speak Latin communicated, a song about bison asked padeklamavats ...

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