Saturday, June 21, 2014

This does not mean that the onset of the global confrontation is

Given the global trends
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"Ho bowls mi ru - ryh tui wai smiling to us" - the one hundred ge ra tion INH la ting Skye when mov ka ki Rua where John is not su mi world tion to a ditch in the last week of no. Fit to a smiling in that Kuyu lo gi ku and Be la Russ.
Chief Information occasion around which international events nicko tours unfolded last week remained the situation in Ukraine. Forthcoming presidential elections and government's inability to solve the most pressing problems of society contribute to further destabilization in the region. East and south of the country nicko tours under rebel pro-Russian slogans, "Right sector" tried to announce the next stage of the revolution nicko tours on the Maidan, the government nicko tours was forced to take very strict austerity measures that cause general discontent of the population. Alone gas tariffs for citizens will be increased by 41%, which, nicko tours according to experts, can provoke in the country "food riots." In parallel, we are working to increase the retirement age, reducing social benefits, increasing the size of the required payments by the population.
This political and socio-economic instability in Ukraine continues to provoke external nicko tours players to more action in the region. nicko tours When Russia nicko tours after the Crimean script positioning its activity nicko tours in the north-western borders solely as exercises, nicko tours the U.S. and NATO countries openly nicko tours declared that the buildup of their military presence in the Baltic, Black Sea, and in the future - in Poland, Romania and other countries due to a desire create a counterweight to the "military threat from Moscow."
However, the deep economic interdependence of Russia, Europe and the United States are not allowed to take the conflict unchecked. Speeches of politicians last week showed well that the parties are not willing to go to considerable expense over Ukraine. Even Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that the EU should so change its foreign policy, not to put the country in the region with a choice "or Europe or Russia."
However, even more than the desire to continue cooperation with Moscow, the position of Europe and the United States undermined by the lack of unity of purpose between Brussels and Washington. If the EU continues to express readiness to reach a higher level of integration with Ukraine, the U.S. is strengthening Europe poses a serious threat. nicko tours That is why the European Union and NATO, even now reigns disorder caused by the unwillingness of Washington seriously increase their military presence in the region.
This does not mean that the onset of the global confrontation is "invalid" will not be very intense. Simply dividing line in it are more complicated than people think.
Seriousness of the new strategic situation fully appreciated an experienced politician, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Last week he sacked the government and Serik Akhmetov appointed Prime Minister of the former head of the presidential administration, Karim Massimov (pictured).
In parallel, a number of changes occurred. Ex-Prime Minister Akhmetov was appointed defense minister. Ex-Defense Minister Adilbek Jaksybekov nicko tours became Secretary of State of Kazakhstan. The head of the presidential administration appointed a former speaker of the lower house of parliament Nurlan Nigmatulin. nicko tours Vice-Speaker of the Majilis daughter took Daryga nicko tours Nursultan Nazarbayev, who also headed the parliamentary faction of the ruling party.
President of Kazakhstan informed decision-making need to strengthen the work of the government (and especially - the government) n

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