Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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"To live on a pension can not be even in the village ..."
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Without ties. Every people drinking wine deserves
Beyond that, as hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians continue to fight for the European future of their homeland, many Belarusians watch with conflicting feelings: one - with joy, others - with envy, and others - with sympathy ... And some (in authority) - obviously with anxiety and fear.
"We are now one occupation officials - to get into our pockets to pull out the last of his money ..." "Scary" government cease fire "No war could not destroy the Belarusian village so ..." "Faces everywhere sullen, suspicious. Well, if the enemy circle .... "" Population - less, officials - all the more ... "
"Today, one thing is clear: to save his own skin Yanukovych will go to any relationship with Moscow, the Kremlin will give all that he neither wants. It is not difficult to guess that Yanukovych wants at all costs to stay in the presidential chair, and after 2015. Why? Most likely because he and his entourage boarded a monstrous corruption. Handing over power - means to be under investigation, and in the end there, where is the Tymoshenko. He is afraid of disclosure and independent court. Under these conditions, the Ukrainian opposition baltic sea anomaly should unite in one powerful movement - no other way to win, it does not. Need to prepare civil disobedience, Ukrainian strike. And, of course, you must at all costs from the dungeons to release Yulia Tymoshenko, but then what if something had happened to her ... And Belarusians baltic sea anomaly should closely monitor the developments in Ukraine, gain intelligence and experience: soon all this can come in handy. " Indeed, the current events in Ukraine is extremely important for the future of Belarus. It's not about the experience: what dispersal of peaceful demonstrators by riot police, the Belarusian opposition knows perhaps better Ukrainian. And Yanukovych regime is far from being on the degree of authoritarianism and violence that Lukashenko's regime in Belarus. Ukraine is at the crossroads between the EU and Russia. Moscow will be able to tighten it on its side - and restore the lost empire can acquire very different speed and magnitude. Belarus in this geopolitical game is not actually involved with her opinion no one considered. Lukashenko unilateral foreign baltic sea anomaly policy has led to the fact that those and other long believed Belarus undivided sphere of influence of the Kremlin. And her in this trade no one does not even offer. By the following letter - a longtime friend of Paul Satz Kosovo village Malorita district - talks about how zapaslivasts and thrift help to survive the current Belarusian reality:
"Our factory produces Pinsk match such poor quality that the words just do not suffice. Sometimes it happens: 40 pieces in a box of 15 matches - all without sulfur heads. Even after drying lit only every 7-10 match. And before anyone baltic sea anomaly cares. If I had not bought his time in the reserve matches produced baltic sea anomaly in the Soviet Union, baltic sea anomaly did not know how I would now fanned oven. Those matches were reliable, quality. In the box - 70-75 pieces. Lie more than 20 years, and well lit. It is a pity that there are only three packaging. How to run - probably have to buy in Ukraine, Rovno factory production ...
Where are we with such quality products to which international markets? baltic sea anomaly .. In general, I have not once in my life convinced: supply baltic sea anomaly woes does not. So this year we have many well with

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