Monday, June 23, 2014

Of course, it would be foolish to claim that the whole world is aware of the policies of the past,

Theodor Schieder. The role of historical consciousness in politics | Belarusian Historical Overview
New issue of the journal Topics Interview XX century cruises to hawaii archeology Arhivalii Belarusian People's Republic of Belarus Belarusians in exile in the world wars Military History Bibliography cruises to hawaii Biographies ON historiography Historical Geography Historical Science cruises to hawaii in neighbors Cultural History History Language History of Religion History of Slavic countries Theses Belarus cruises to hawaii Western Conference Chronology Methodology Political Controversy stories Translations Polotsk principality Russian empire Repression Reviews Rzeczpospolita Social History of Central Europe Epistalyaryya Ethno natsyyavytvorchyya processes
* Schieder, Theodor. Politisches Handeln aus Historischem Bewusstsein / / Historische Zeitschrift. 220 (1975), 4-35. This essay was first read as a lecture at a public meeting Orden Pour le Mèrite für Wissenschaften und Künste May 29, 1974 in Bonn and was printed on his Reden und Gedenkworte, vol. XII (Heidelberg: Lambert Schneider, 1976), 65-91. For publication in the History and Theory (Vol.XVII, Nr.4, Beiheft 17, 1-18), where the text is taken to our translation, essay was expanded to include links.
Obviously, this word does not always have the same meaning. July 14 for the Frenchman has a historic day because it symbolizes cruises to hawaii the assault Bastylii when the French Revolution. On the other hand, we often read that today or tomorrow historic because on this day will be taken "historic" decision. In this context, the word can only mean that the decision is a turning point in terms of the past i i the future. This value is meant Arnold Gehlen, when determined by the historical consciousness as the ability to see the event of epochal significance, what is happening now; in other words, sees the event through the eyes of future generations. For Helena, so the essence of historical cruises to hawaii consciousness is not just on zapaminanni i transfer cruises to hawaii the past, but on how we see the present. [1] Thus, historical consciousness beyond exceptional interest in what happened in the past i become history. cruises to hawaii It also pradugled zhvae use acquired knowledge as an element in the formation of ideas i actions cruises to hawaii that will determine the future. Historical consciousness is not limited to retrospective reasoning, but draws conclusions from the past i apply them to achieve the objectives that are in the future. This line of thinking makes us see not just a random connection, cruises to hawaii but a strong relationship between political practice i historical consciousness.
Of course, it would be foolish to claim that the whole world is aware of the policies of the past, as we know it from history. There is also need to remember the two meanings of the word history. History may affect us directly through events that affect the next generation to leave behind wounds and be a real or imaginary climax. But also affect us in a different way and not so directly, our knowledge of the past, ie, the history of science that shows us the past, worked in the art of reproduction, and, finally, using the scientific method. cruises to hawaii Hugo von Hofmannsthal, speaking cruises to hawaii of "the power of our damn mysterious ancestors within us" and "piled layers of accumulated collective memory", meant the first meaning of the term history. [2] This collective memory, consciously or unconsciously affects both the decisions cruises to hawaii of individuals and the collective behavior of large social forces at work in history, ie, nations, countries, states and classes - groups which, in our opinion, function as independent cruises to hawaii organisms and determine the scope of the individual, and may limit them. Disputes over how uzaemadey influence individual and community decisions are not over yet, but we can say without hesitation that there is a basic historical experience, which obviously affects the mentality of groups. Such experiences can lead to conflicting assessments or to long antagonisms within the nation.
The French Revolution, with its important long-term consequences - a perfect example of this kind. Contradictory attitude to the French Revolution did not change the fact that it was and remains a common base for the historical experience and apologists and opponents, and that this revolution cruises to hawaii has influenced and continues to influence policy. In the history of every nation have such an experience. He may live long in the national consciousness, may be gradually forgotten and superseded by other experiences, can be muted. Impossible to predict how it will be assimilated: there is always some surprises. Events of great historical significance can quickly be forgotten, while others that seem insignificant contemporaries, remain in memory. Thus, contemporaries understand and appreciate the historical events are sometimes wrong. Europeans treated 1918-19, in the context of the victory cruises to hawaii of national democracy. This was undoubtedly an important aspect of the time, but this view ignores two events

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