Tuesday, November 26, 2013

06 51 27 64 44

Business Intelligence: The University of Burgundy launches a "unique" degree queen elizabeth in France queen elizabeth
The Uni-Met denounces the "dogmatic queen elizabeth suppression parking" on the University of Burgundy
The first degree "Strategic Influence, influence and standardization" will open in the first quarter of 2014 at the University of Burgundy. It will be presented to SMEs and traders November 12, 2013.
"The first University Diploma (DU)" Strategic Influence, influence and normalization "(ISIN) will open in the first quarter of 2014 at the University of Burgundy. Aware of the issues and the urgency to train professionals in the field of normative influence, uB is betting a university queen elizabeth education unparalleled to this day in France in influence strategies and standards. This course is for managers and company (engineers, HR managers, communication, marketing, sustainable development, internal consultants ...) private sector and decentralized State services employees.
The rules of the economic game and their social and cultural consequences are often the result of games yet inconspicuous influences affect the competitiveness of enterprises, the creation of national wealth and thus on social balances.
Companies often have little awareness of strategic issues whose standards are pivotal as they have a capacity to influence - and therefore action - they do not suspect. queen elizabeth
This training, attached to IAE Dijon (Business Administration queen elizabeth Institute), is proposed under the training for professionals in business, executives and company employees (engineers, HR managers, communication, marketing, sustainable development queen elizabeth , eco-design, internal consultants, ...).
ISIN diploma should enable the student to: better understand what a standard in its broadest sense, to understand the relationship with the technical regulations, detect what are the strategic issues related to standardization and certification to link the standard intellectual property research and innovation, have a perfect knowledge of national and European decision-making mechanisms, strengthen its networks beyond their usual work environment, affect the environment . "
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