Sunday, November 17, 2013

With the majestic Gothic freedom of the seas cathedral, freedom of the seas one of the city emblems

City of innumerable cultural and historical treasures, world-famous museums and active art scene, Cologne is a place where all people feel at home. Known for his cheerful festivals in the spring and summer, and Christmas markets that provide its guests a unique inherently magic of this holiday. Be sure to give yourself a great vacation in this remarkable city. Located along the banks of the Rhine, considered one of the oldest cities in Germany, freedom of the seas Cologne is characterized by a temperate climate more moderate summer freedom of the seas temperatures and mild winters. The best time to visit is in the fall. May is also favorable for the discovery of the open gardens with fuller taste the local beer. Cologne Bonn Airport
Cologne-Bonn Airport (Cologne / Bonn Airport) is located approximately 15km. from the city. Total round two terminals handled millions of tickets tourists from around the world. Taxi from airport to central Cologne will cost you about 25 euros, but you can use the bus to Central Station, which is every 15 minutes. Sightseeing in Cologne
Benefiting from a boat on the river, you can easily identify places that you want to visit. One of the most famous museums Ludwig (Museum Ludwig), freedom of the seas which is dedicated to modern art from the early 20th century, freedom of the seas and often has temporary exhibitions of various collections. Museum R o misch-Germanisches tells the story of the Romans on the Rhine. The museum associated freedom of the seas with the Archbishopric of Cologne Columba (Kolumba freedom of the seas - Diocesan museum), reveals to us the oldest collections of religious art. Carnival Museum (Cologne Carnival museum) will tell you more about the history and development from the beginning to the present day. Most delicious museum, the museum freedom of the seas of chocolate (Museum of Chocolate-"Schokoladenmuseum"), will tell you in detail about the history of chocolate. freedom of the seas Art from the early Middle Ages until the end of the Baroque period will see the museum Schn u tgen, located in the medieval church building. Once a year, in autumn, in the famous "Long Night of Museums" can explore almost all museums.
With the majestic Gothic freedom of the seas cathedral, freedom of the seas one of the city emblems, Cologne is not limited by the Church. Roman churches here are twelve and each of them stands out for its beauty and history. Great number of other churches in the city, ranks as the Cologne city with the highest density of churches north of the Alps.
The fourth largest city in Germany knows how to welcome its guests hospitality. Well-developed transportation system that lets you easily move from one landmark to another. Or why not make a rickshaw ride, even if you have more people, you can easily freedom of the seas all together to drive one wheel and while looking to have fun.
Modern Cologne will show attractive and distinctive architecture, surrounded by beautiful vegetation. Botanical Garden is fully restored after World War II. In the vicinity you will find the Zoo (Cologne Zoo). Is located here and the exhibition center, which has a new, modern look (Rheinpark / Tanzbrunnen), which is surrounded by beautiful fountains and abstract sculptures.
Even if you are hurried to the conservation of the airfare freedom of the seas for Cologne and time has gone bad, do not worry because there's something freedom of the seas for everyone at any time of year. Be sure that your stay will be filled freedom of the seas with lots of new knowledge, freedom of the seas as well as the funny moments.
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