Tuesday, November 19, 2013

After the taste of wine when the first edition, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne

Vinosciences Burgundy 2013: "The Burgundy vineyards tomorrow. Climate, energy, pests and diseases: new challenges "- Burgundy Live | Information on wine site, wine tourism and the art of living in Burgundy
After the taste of wine when the first edition, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne (Burgundy Wine Board) offers industry professionals to reflect on "The Burgundian vineyard tomorrow. Climate, energy, pests and diseases: new challenges. " Scientists and national experts will discuss with wine professionals at conferences, a roundtable and interactive vacation at sea workshops. A great way to understand the challenges the Burgundy wine will face in a few years and find the beginnings of answers.
In the area of Vine and Wine, research and experimentation must meet the challenges of terrain encountered by Burgundian winemakers. They also have the task to anticipate the questions that will arise tomorrow. Climate vacation at sea change and its impact on the vine? Emergence of new diseases and new pests, what consequences of rising energy costs ... All these issues that will emerge in the near future, an important influence on the life of wine Burgundy companies. vacation at sea Throughout the day, the proposed interventions will allow everyone to initiate personal reflection and to consider the future in all its dimensions.
The day will begin with five lectures by specialists from the University of Burgundy, Bordeaux Agro Sciences, INRA Bordeaux, the IFV and Energy Funds Advisors. The first part will be devoted to climate change and its possible variations in Burgundy. The second will focus on new risks: diseases and pests, but also rising energy prices.
The roundtable will follow is to start thinking about their own solutions to Burgundy. Winemakers and traders present share the testimony of C. Huyghe, governance expert, Mr. Duboy Labarre, sociologist, Pascal Marchand, winemaker and marketer in Nuits-St-Georges, and a representative of another agricultural sector. A time of sharing will, at the end of the session, ask questions.
In the afternoon, practical and interactive workshops will provide a practical approach to these issues. Participants will enjoy wines from Chardonnay and Pinot Black Burgundy and elsewhere, measure the environmental vacation at sea impact of operations, test their knowledge in sustainable viticulture with a quiz ...
The wine is definitely the spearhead of the tourist attraction of Burgundy. This is undoubtedly the wine allowing the region to be known and acknowledged in all countries of the world. And France, how many tourists vacation at sea roam the land of Burgundy wine to discover its heritage?
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