Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rhine valley in the Alps extends about 80 km north-south cruise packages and its width ranges from

Haze rule in mid-autumn. Outside becomes dark, cold, wet, bleak ... and yet mystical. Silhouettes of trees - spellbound lonely, lost in the field. Outlines of farms - vague, like a mirage, that every moment will melt. At such times, unintentionally straining cruise packages ears - I have a feeling you'll hear the clash of swords with shields and the cries of men, elves and dwarves, destroy sinister Nazgûl. And ... yes, here it is - a beep. But do not fight, cowbells cows and sheep that graze in the lush meadows. They are numerous and almost always around (except in the coldest cruise packages winter months), because the grass is green all year round.
Sometimes at lunch the fog diluted. Sunbeams one after another began to make their way and moisture soaked ground evaporates literally droves. At this point float high above the outline of the mountain peaks. Then became bright and warm. But only for a few hours until the sun goes down behind the high peaks to the west. And then, within minutes, the fog envelops the earth again.
For residents cruise packages of villages and towns along the Rhine in the Swiss Alps these views hardly interest. And if you come here as a tourist, spend a fortune to enjoy the alpine beauty and fog overtake me, maybe I would be very disappointed. But fortunately, I'm somewhere in the middle - not just tourist cruise packages nor native. Lived here for two years, and these paintings are still interest me. Because the fog here is not like that at home - in the Sofia area. Here she is constantly changing. A specific topography offers a unique perspective on this otherwise so common meteorological phenomenon. Once again in the foggy part of the fall, we were walking to the only ski resort Liechtenstein - Malbun. The return of about 1,300 meters above sea level, off the road. Where we were, it was warm, sunny and very quiet. Just step down stretched dense blanket that covered the whole valley, the whole Lower land. There is not so quiet - on the side of the river is the highway cruise packages that never sleeps. Not far from it is the railway line that every few minutes pass trains. But then, on that hill, I felt that I was above the clouds. Somewhere very close to the gods. But now, with the approach of winter, fog gradually lifted and the earth did numb with cold. Local legends say that this is the time of evil spirits. In late winter, they will be driven by attractive events of the festival Fasnaht. And by the way, when there is no fog, often what is in the cloud fluff is above ground ... ______________________________________________________________
Rhine valley in the Alps extends about 80 km north-south cruise packages and its width ranges from 1 to about 4 km. In the southern part of the valley, along the river, stretching the border between Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein and north to Lake Constance (also known as Lake Constance) - that between Switzerland and the Austrian region of Vorarlberg. On both sides of the valley rise the steep mountains. Like huge walls, each at least 1,500 meters high.
For such a small area, the climate is surprisingly dynamic - from low to moderate expressed in the high mountain areas. Usually Valley winters are mild - temperatures range around zero, and the snow does not stay for long. Previous winter, however, surprised us by two weeks temperatures cruise packages between cruise packages 10 and 20 degrees below zero.
The last two summers have been gloomy and rainy, with temperatures most days around or below 20 degrees. Very often, even in the summer in the valley temperatures are around 10-15 degrees Celsius, and then the mountain snow. Nothing, that is August. In the weeks with good weather, but the sun quickly heats the air temperature can reach 30 degrees. And because of the high humidity feels like a 35. In spring and autumn, often blowing strong warm wind - foehn. He quickly cruise packages melts the snow on the peaks and is able to raise temperatures to over 20 degrees in mere hours. Speed is over 100 km / h and locals "blame" for headache, nervousness cruise packages and fatigue that many feel when foehn blows. Common for the places where the wind is blowing, the temperature is about 15-20 degrees above zero, and only ten kilometers away, where the weather is nice, it is very cold - around and below freezing.
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