Sunday, November 24, 2013

So what is a leader today? Is the one who directs and synthesizes decides. Except that the law does

François Patriat: "Burgundy paul gauguin is departing from its traditional image"
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Often dubbed the benefit departments, towns and even common, we tend to forget. Have younger, they will hurt you define Burgundy and list its four departments. Too vast, too diverse, not always paul gauguin competitive with its neighboring Burgundy region is struggling ...
Yet it still has many battles to fight: development of very high speed handling of large environmental issues, maintaining the area's identity paul gauguin and taking into account its future ... The primary challenges for a community to which the State also gives more skills.
François Patriat, hello. A new stage in the French decentralization strengthens the role of "leader" in the region. A term sometimes obscure to the general public. Could you define what it means to govern a region in 2013?
Chairing a region is making strategic choices for the future regarding the attractiveness of regions, paul gauguin their development and emergence. This is ultimately a set number of daily problems for which there may be a local response. But also make the fight against Jacobinism.
So what is a leader today? Is the one who directs and synthesizes decides. Except that the law does not give us the opportunity to ensure that head of regional Filat for a simple reason: no constitutional authority can not impose another community what to do. It is not the communities, municipalities, intercommunes, to say what they want to do. I think it is for the State to tell the authorities what they should do, and with what resources.
I am head of a file that I can not completely control. Today, the state seems to reject the authorities the task of organizing them their skills. I am very critical on this issue. You understand my personal dissatisfaction with the choices we are given, which ultimately will settle nothing.
Competitiveness and attractiveness of the Burgundy region have become your watchwords. Why is it now become necessary to "sell" a region at the national or international?
We are in a global economy where competition is the smallest territory to international. Competition can only be done with a real competitiveness. What gives competitiveness territory? Economic and residential activity. People go to work in the South because there aeronautics and sun. But everyone does not have the sun, everyone does not aeronautics.
So what are our carriers? Vitagora or nuclear. Burgundy is out of its traditional image of a wine and gourmet region. If tomorrow people come in Burgundy only because there is wine that represents only 4% of the territory and 6% of exports, while we have not won our bet. Because they will stop one day in Beaune, and that's all. We must find clivants arguments relative to other regions, and do not forget that we are the 5th industrial region in France!
An example I often quote: Le Creusot in 1984 saw the end of the empire paul gauguin Schneider and factories. We could all think that Le Creusot would end today as the coal mines of Lorraine. But local officials have chosen a directed energy industry. And there's more engineers today Creusot there were there 30 years. Today, this city is recreated a present and a future industrial because it has made strategic choices around safe values.
To affirm this competitiveness, there locally development of "brands territories." Saône-et-Loire with creativelab Burgundy paul gauguin and Dijon soon. In this process, territories reluctant to hang with the image of Burgundy. With four departments, paul gauguin a vast territory, effectively raises the issue of coherence and identity of Burgundy ....
It's worse than that. The problem of Burgundy is that, like Champagne-Ardenne is an extraordinary brand. paul gauguin How many regions would like to call it? And between us, I prefer to call me that Burgundy region

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