Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Satisfied with the results, she wants to go further by extending this concept to all hairlines frei

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07/11/2013 rail infrastructure maintenance of all hairlines freight ncl cruises Bourgogne Franche-Comté go to PGI Capillary freight lines regions Burgundy and Franche-Comté will be the first in France to be fully serviced by service managers Infrastructure (PGI) from January 2015.
Regional management ncl cruises Bourgogne Franche-Comté Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) is a laboratory of innovation. ncl cruises She, indeed, was the first to award a contract provider infrastructure manager (PGI) in August 2010.
Satisfied with the results, she wants to go further by extending this concept to all hairlines freight regions Burgundy / Franche-Comté, or 338 km of lines. It will launch by the end of 2013 a global tender on both lines of the star Gray as well as those of Châtillonnais-Auxois. PGI gaining ground
The designation of the PGI working on nearly 140 km of single track will be effective in January 2015. It was at this moment that all hair lines freight Burgundy / Franche-Comté will be maintained by the PGI.
Lines Morvan benefit, in turn, launched a global tender in December 2014. It will cover maintenance of seven lines in total (about 200 km), three currently untapped. The company or group selected in January 2016 will be in a worn between five and six years instead of the current ncl cruises three-year contract. ncl cruises Positive impact
"The implementation of ERP has enabled us to achieve improved productivity by 30% while stabilizing the level of maintenance, says Abdelkrim ncl cruises Amoura, Regional Director Burgundy / Franche Comté RFF. This is the reason ncl cruises that leads us to perpetuate the concept of longer durations and wider perimeters of the order of 150 to 200 km. Eventually, we will be able to offer groups of actors identified a viable economic model, ncl cruises which will allow them both investment and reassure rail companies will be led to serve these routes there. " ncl cruises
For its part, RFF will continue its investments. To the 5 million committed ncl cruises in 2009 to ensure the sustainability ncl cruises of Cercy-la-Tour / Corbigny line for a period of ten years, and the 8 million currently invested in the line-by-Nights Ravières / Chatillon-sur-Seine / Brion-sur-Ource will be added three million in 2014. They will be used to modernize the Nevers / Arzembouy online.
The amount of investment to drive the star of Gray will he determined after a socio-economic study. Conducted during the first half of 2014, it will be designed to verify the suitability of an investment. Decisions could be taken during the second half of the year. Duplicate the concept in other regions
For now, the projected ncl cruises traffic on the two sites - Morvan and Star Gray / Châtillonnais-Auxois - amounted to about 900 000 tonnes, divided equally. Existing traffic grains and aggregates could be added wood. An increase in grain traffic could also occur in the future, an existing project in the sense of the Gray-Autrey-les-Gray line.
Also retained as viable in Midi-Pyrenees (Castelsarrasin - Beaumont-de-Lomagne) concept introduced by Abdelkrim Amoura as "a vector of development", ERP could thus hatch eventually in other regions.
It is time that we consider the cargo come a potential vector

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