Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ahmet Zogu

Fevziu: Bird took him 11 suitcases with 178 kg of gold | ONLINE Panorama
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Ahmet Zogu "UET Press" carnival of madness and "Klan" putting on the market "100 years (1912-2012)" "Bird quietly left many signatories, Enver Hoxha covered the names of opponents with a picture" The King's Speech last and departure from Albania. "The bird took him 11 suitcases with 178 kg of gold," "In the course of today, picked up 5.6 million" After the success of the bestselling carnival of madness book "Enver Hoxha" Blendi Fevziu goes back in history. In this 100th anniversary of Albanian carnival of madness state, Fevziu publishes "100 years (1912-2012) - A 100-year excursion in Albanian politics." The book, which today is the day the market is again under the banner of UET Press and TV Klan. In this edition, Fevziu describes all the most important stages where our country has been in this century. carnival of madness It begins precisely with the Declaration of Independence, Kamal Ismail trip, raising the flag, the list of signatories, recognizing the great powers, carnival of madness forgeries made to the Act of Independence of statesmen in history, Zog and Enver Hoxha, to gradually climbing the Prince of Wied, King Zog, the Italian invasion, leaving King with all that he had the ship of state, to come to Fascist War, the establishment of the Communist Party, the emergence of names that would later become protagonists of the history of 50-year dictatorship. Page after page starts and clearly contoured portrait of Enver Hoxha, but his antagonists, elimination of political opponents, but also potential rivals. This atmosphere carnival of madness would rule before the establishment of the dictatorship, until Hoxha's death. Although more tempered tone, even his successor, carnival of madness Ramiz Alia, followed the same policy, which was forced to leave, when in all countries of Eastern Europe were already overthrow dictatorships. In the 90s a new wind is blowing on Albania. Other events and other characters. Are full of 22 years which closed with the election of President of the Republic Bujar Nishani. al.mi
The cover of the book "100 years" by Blendi Fevziu Falsifying History independence history often manipulated carnival of madness over 100 years. In 1937, in an official biography of King Zog, underlined the fact that King had been in Vlora and had signed the most important carnival of madness document of our history. In fact, Bird's firm is not listed in the document, while the minutes of the last meeting of the Assembly, on December carnival of madness 7, 1912 marks "the delegate is notified of arrivals Ohrid, Hamdi Bey and Dervish Hima, from Starova Mr. Blloshmi and Mustafa Haydar Efendi and Mati, Ahmet Muhtar Bey, Riza Bey and Kurt Again "! So Ahmet Zogu had arrived carnival of madness with the mandate of Mati, full 9 days late. As he proves himself in a letter dated December 2, 1912 to Qemali Ismail, launched by Tepelenë: carnival of madness "I sgjodha Metering representatives. Ndëshkruani congressional decisions for me. To go for it or not? Chop your urdhënin hurry. "Bird quietly left many signatories who were his opponents. Enver Hoxha, as did the names of political opponents covered with a picture of the jury that decided on the document. In 1982, Hoxha stated carnival of madness that his uncle, Hysen Hoxha had been there. The movie "November second" represents the arrival of Ismail Kamal on the other side of the Bridge of Mifol, on 27 November 1912 and is presented to a person: "Hysen Hoxha, delegate of Gjirokastra." But Hysen Hoxha did not become a signatory of Independence. His firm is not in the document and a record of the meeting dated December 3, 1912 explains: "Today ardhnë Gjinokastrës delegates, whose names are these: Myfit Bey, P. Poga, Jan Papadhopullo carnival of madness Huseyin Efendi Gjinokastra and Veli Bey Klissura carnival of madness "Hysen Hoxha, like Ahmet Zogu, had come late! Despite carnival of madness this, the two were delegates elected at the Assembly.
Declaration of Independence Bird Removal In the early evening, King stayed some time in the house of Mehdi Frasher, his former carnival of madness prime minister. At 19:00, at that very minute that the Italian ultimatum expired, he read this statement on Radio Tirana with his voice: "Italy has made several requests Albania that, if met, will lift our country's independence carnival of madness . My government will never accept such conditions aimed at undermining the freedom won with the blood of the people. Faced occupation, the Albanian people invite to join today, in this moment risk

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