Sunday, January 19, 2014

Biography of Dr.. Lazer Lazer Radi Radi Publications Friends of History through Picture europa 2 Po

Every time stop ... and look back on my life ... Adriana Dine | Radi and Radi
Historical Events Nazim Hikmet was born in 1902, known poet and literary Turkish ... 1920 Federico Fellini, the filmmaker best known among Italian europa 2 Neo-realism. Events in 1892 In the United States, the first official game played basketball. 2014 Day 20 of the year. There are still 345 days from the end of his ... Died 1907 Dimitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist ... famous for table of chemical elements ... 2010 Pasko Gjeçi, professor of Latin, the translator of "The europa 2 Divine Comedy" of Dante Alighieri, europa 2 "Odyssey" of Homer, "Faust" of Goethe, thirst. Convicted political regime. Photo Stories
Coffee Day newspaper literary aphorisms "Savr-MonAmour!", A book ... nji window debate rubric heretic song as memory space Albanian dialect poetry magazine Arberia Video ... Photo-Video-Photo passions Your Space ... Dr. Lazer Radi
Biography of Dr.. Lazer Lazer Radi Radi Publications Friends of History through Picture europa 2 Poetry Articles Articles 1935-1939 1935-1939 1991-1998 Articles 1939-1944 Articles Interviews Writings on Dr. translations. Humor Radin Manuscripts foreign languages Dr. Subscriptions newspaper europa 2 archive. Lazer Joseph Radi Radi
January 2014 HMMEPSD December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Recent Posts mother Teresa (1910-1997) - Human Effort europa 2 Time Xhaferr Deva! by Nebil Çika Mirnjoftje ... Gjezeko Poetry (George Kola) Osho (1931-1990) - the museum town of Prizren europa 2 Dashnia Frrok Kristaj Recent Comments on Mirnjoftje Joseph Radi ... Gjezeko Poetry (George Kola) Joseph Radi of "A trumpet in mourning more ... "Vera Bekteshi How lenci the families lived in the village t'njëjtin five former europa 2 prime ministers nina Koliqi the metamorphosis europa 2 of my city ... by Gjezeko (1993) to Joseph Radi Why Hoxha bone on top? Mustafa Kruja Archive Select Month January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 April 2012 March 2012 March 2011 February 2011 January 2010 February 2008 March Historic Day 1996 March 1993 Nazim Hikmet was born in 1902, renowned poet and literary Turkish ... 1920 Federico Fellini, the filmmaker best known among Italian Neo-realism. Events in 1892 In the United States, the first official game played basketball. 2014 Day 20 of the year. There are still 345 days from the end of his ... Died 1907 Dimitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist ... famous for table of chemical elements ... 2010 Pasko Gjeçi, professor of Latin, the translator of "The Divine Comedy" of Dante Alighieri, "Odyssey" of Homer, "Faust" of Goethe, thirst. Convicted political regime. Who's Online 12 visitors online europa 2 now 6 guests, 6 bots, 0 members of our Readers
"Freedom" Arshi Pipa Arberia Dr. Dine Dine dictatorship. Enver Hoxha Radi Lazer Koliqi Faik Konica Ernest George Genc Leka Joy Fisher Guljelm Heydari Ilir Deda Seci Illyria Radi Ismail Kadare Claudie Joseph Flint Communism Kosovo Lasgush Poradeci Lazer Radi ALL Pervizi Ballymena Mehmet Shehu Migjeni Mirash Ivanaj Midhat Araniti Musine Kokalari Panorama Pasko Gjeçi Poetry Translation Kemal Stafa Alia Renaissance Robert Elsie Sali Berisha Tirana Savr Shkodra Press Vangeli Koça Wilson Blloshmi Visar zhiti
Life of all my generation, all those who were born in the 60s, is full of deprivations of full sacrifice, a life of sad, that many times the return of the head of the memories ... I seem perverse man walks between europa 2 nji desert without any ideas that can come out of ... Even my life has been filled having these painful moments, and every time I try to throw in this part, be letter, I get a great sadness, and often events are so numerous, involuntarily as a slip of the episode to another, from a pain in suffering, as sad as the fact of writing ... and it seems like it would be better not to assume was the act of writing, they are shocking event, where we suffer not only physically and materially, but spiritually too ... Even though I've read enough in life, writing is a craft not child's play for me, because it requires not only the ability to tell, but also dig deep into themselves, even come into communication with a wider world. Yet I decided to write because I am convinced that something of that life is worth, and that they are many like me who have dislocated their lives and their truths ... I can say that the loss of the first child, the child's arrival Second, and along with the arrest of her husband; imminent loss of vjerrës, (nji njimijë woman sacrifices; growth perpeci hundred son; single trips of my life Spaç them in prisons, Neck-Bari, Zejmen and sports complex Dinamo Tirana; coping without fill twenties m

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