Tuesday, January 7, 2014

America has the biggest and best of everything and it

105 pictures later we are 80 miles away from Florence to Lincoln City. This west coast of Oregon is really beautiful! It's europa 2 green and plenty europa 2 of trees and water rich with many nice people in between. Let the pictures speak for themselves: Breakfast in the Old Town Inn is typical of many American hotels: fruit and pastries with coffee or tea. We will take it to the office and eat in our room. We skype fun with Braam, Elna and children, and start packing to go. Today we are only going 80 miles away, but the coast promises to be very nice and we want to stop everywhere, europa 2 so we need wiggle.
The town of Florence, where we slept was on the west coast of Oregon. It's a beautiful little sea town with a great river too. It's the Siuslaw (uitegspreek is very funny as the first nation Indiana pronounced as Sa-harvest la) river that enters the sea. There is a fairly large port and a beautiful bridge over the river.
We found out this morning that blankets the trees we saw yesterday, part of their Rhody Festival in Florence. This is their spring festival and they celebrate the rhododendrons in bloom. It is beautiful. This kite I declined for a kite shop.
Oregon is known for its sand dunes. We drove south from Florence to the dunes to see. We have Uncle Bob's GPS borrowed for the trip, and the poor man on the machine was all his days for us on the right path to take because we stop driving everywhere and ompaaitjies. The "turn around When you can" europa 2 quickly became known.
America has the biggest and best of everything and it's not so, they declared it to every corner. Today we visit the Sea Lion Caves the largest seawater caves in the world. Remember that I told you yesterday that they visit any natural an experience makes. Today they took us 200 feet down an elevator next to the cave with the sea lions. We find out what really is the difference between a 'seal and a sea lion. The cave also has a web cam 'in so you can follow it on google. europa 2
Newport is a beautiful town! We ate at Mo's. They are known for their seafood, especially clam chouder. Today (May 25), national europa 2 fish and chips day 'in Ireland. Mo's celebrate it and we get an extra piece of cod with mash, clam chouder, bread and salad. The beer tastes too forward.
We sleep tonight in Stiletz Bay Lodge in Lincoln City. This is the view from our bedroom window. Then this afternoon here indenture,'s the guy at the front door they launch europa 2 a new movie system starts and we get $ 15 to our room account for a movie to watch. All we need to do more to tell them how the system works. We see New Year's Eve. A very predictable romantic comedy, but it's not the system's fault. The system works well.
2013 (17) December (9) November (1) October (1) June (2) May (1) February (2) January (1) 2012 (94) December (2) October (1) September (1) July ( 3) June (20) May (24) Shop 'til you drop! Hood Canal oysters and many Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, and many more Disappointment, Destruction, Deception ... Theres a peninsula in the haystack! The Oregon coast is beautiful! Water from above the church service in Seattle and other goat Notes on the great port city of Portland, Oregon europa 2 as a potted plant too big for its pot If it's europa 2 not a Boeing, I'm not going! Raising Seattle A quick view of Tokyo goodbye in Tokushima and Hiroshima back to Osaka, Japan-Awa Odori Travel and rice Another glorious day in Japan and New worlds Moonhill other impressions The land of the rising sun ... Osaka, Japan! Free access to my blog! Day 3 of cycling is successfully europa 2 passed. We have a ... Back on the air! April (35) March (6) February (1) January (1) 2011 (13) October (1) August (1) July (1) June (3) May (4) March (2) January (1) 2010 ( 27) December (2) October europa 2 (7) August (3) July (2) June (1) May (1) April (3) March (5) February (1) January (2) 2009 (40) December (1) November (2) October (3) September (5) August (1) July (4) May (6) April (9) March (3) February (6)

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