Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Black market cigarettes from southern neighbor. Thus was injured but the economy Hellenistic and Al

Black market cigarettes from southern neighbor. Thus was injured but the economy Hellenistic and Albanian. An exclusive tour of "Investigation" in on the secret recesses of organized crime in the tobacco industry, which includes businessmen, immigrants, ordinary people up and public officials. The participation of some members of the team of navy underwater clearance Greek, carrying packages from open waters in special nil points. Here "organizational charts" levels of business and vice informal. Millions lost from tax evasion. Greece, a country of origin, transit and destination for smuggled cigarettes
Cigarette smuggling in Greece has recently attracted nil growing attention despite the fact that it has a long history nil in specific contexts. It is estimated that smuggled cigarettes reach 6-8.5 percent of total cigarette consumption, nil and that for any contraband cigarette lighter towards the EU Greeks lose 1.2 million taxes, writes lecturer of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Research in Law at the University of Tisajdit (Teesside University), England, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, in a study in the journal "The European Journal of Criminology". Newspaper "Investigation" treats two numbers nil this phenomenon, since smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco originating from or transit through Greece and Albania has affected her since the early 1990s and still continues. This contraband dumping prices has severely damaged not only the state budget nil by fiscal evasion terrible, but it was demolished over 30 thousand farmers nil in Shkodra, Elbasan, Gjirokastra, etc.. and has led to the closure of three factories and 6 cigarette tobacco fermentation nil plants with about 10 thousand workers. Exports of nicotine has been among the main items, which once provided a large income in foreign currency.
Contraband tobacco and cigarettes has deep historical roots in the Greek context after Thessalonica-Marseille route was one of the main sea lanes for Bulgarian tobacco smuggling in Western Europe in the late 19th century. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, minor concerns on cigarette nil smuggling was expressed only in the early 1990s, when smuggled cigarettes were introduced into Greece from Albania, and serious concerns arose in 1995, when the first barges were smuggled cigarettes Promahonasit seized by customs of the Greek-Bulgarian border. According to the Greek Minister of Finance and Economy, cigarette smuggling nil was one of the reasons for decreased revenues to the state budget in 2005. Tax evasion cigarettes seized by the Greek coast guard only from 1998 to 2004 amounted to 108 million euros. Otherwise than officially stated that "Greece is primarily a destination and transit country of origin, not cigarettes" evidence proved that Greece is a country of origin, transit and destination for smuggled cigarettes.
There are a number of reasons why Greece is an interesting environment for the study of cigarette smuggling. First, Greece occupies the first countries in the world for per capita tobacco consumption (Global Link, 2004), and the country with the highest percentage nil of smokers among large smoking population reaching 17 percent (in 1994 cited in EU and WHO, 1998). Second, Greece is one of the biggest producers of tobacco in the world. Third, Greece nil is a country where cigarette consumption is apparently not affected by cigarette prices. nil For example, although cigarette prices increased by 1 January 1997, cigarette consumption rose by 2 percent in 1997 compared to 1996. Meanwhile raises eyebrows at least, and if so, to what degree meets the requirements for black market cigarettes. Fourth, the Greek public opinion is low "raising taxes", and the fact that the informal economy in the country that accounts for up to 30 percent of GDP, proves informal largest economy in the EU (The Economist, 2001 ). Consequently, cigarette smuggling can not rely only on smokers who buy smuggled cigarettes because nil they think that cigarettes are "real prices", but also to support "morally" in general by smokers. In other words, "moral status" of the black market is high. Fifth, the level of corruption in the country (see Transparency International, 2005) is a variable equal to the levels of contraband cigarettes (tobacco). Sixth, the sector represents the highest percentage of businesses with tax evasion in Greece (67 percent of total business) is, according to the Bureau of Special Controls, tobacco industry products. On this are tolerant environment on cigarette smuggling (particularly nil market sales on the road) instead. Police generally do not particular pressure on smuggling nil of cigarettes sold in the street, and this is reflected in very rare references to the phenomenon in the section titled 'Flashback' seemed

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