Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let me take you to represent me called TOUR LEADER. From birth to today, George. One Mr Johan van T

The story and tour a long history with many twists and turns. It is a whole process of birth - we men and women over forty know plekvat in such a process. See! I should explain pretty anners you will not claw at the ear can bring out.
For those of you who know me well know already by the time I am a man who stands for the truth - a lie, I can not stand it! Number two is I love the open road. So the longing for journeys early in the year have come down here in my heart. In my office hangs two maps of 1: 1,000,000. mediplus On my "to do list" is the Baviaans and Hell have been outstanding mediplus (ok! I'll be honest with you - I was just plain scared of the roads). Well so began my search for someone who has the trip with me to any servers (Error No. 1). I turn to the internet and search for possible tour agents in 2009 in the possible direction. Get one but the interest so early in the year are few and it falls through the mat. I walk every day with a long face and was livid because I do not get my way - it gets so bad that my wife no longer my house can hold (error number 2). She gets fed up with me - swear revenge and a fine day she phoned me just as sweetly and told me about the man George who now supposedly the South Cape on the tips of his fingers and who offered to help me on the epic tour accompanied. Buddies here had an intelligent guy all fuse smell - but my senses mediplus are so dulled by my emotions, my stomach, legs and herein voluntarily leave (Error number 3).
You beginnings now probably mediplus a pretty picture of what awaits a rash dog. Yes woman loves you inside her cunning ribbon caught, tied, tied gestreepsak and beautiful. Just where she wants me.
Let me take you to represent me called TOUR LEADER. From birth to today, George. One Mr Johan van Tonder aka Trail Rider (TR). To his own blog like Chief Steve Meyer. www.trail-rider.co.za/ mediplus TR also has its version of the ride on the blog explained mediplus with beautiful mediplus pictures to illustrate the different sites and locations. I do have to warn them first version ready to read before you post the pictures to see - do not be self wearied with the text - except that the farmer's son in Ingels wrote sketch only the outlines of which the rerige story himself playback. It has not really much to shout not sure that he add pictures. I think in any case if you read my story you will not actually more delight for his story.
Well the only and last resort I call TR the matter with him directly (Error No. 4). Ta but the youngster is smooth with his mouth - pure salesman - would not surprise me if he was all sorts of beautiful cakes for people to offload! The man says he will stay overnight routes mediplus and planned I should not worry about me and he asked me also equally beautiful that I did not now the time to inquire about where we go and where we will overnight. It is now supposedly in his capable hands. People that I knew what was ahead for me! (Error number mediplus 5).
Well I determined me but my preparations and now and then I venture to e-mail the guy a this and that a small question to question. So I timeframes questions whether he arrange a breakfast before we start in the morning - the answer briefly - NO! And look, I know HKGK.
The very best part of a tour for me still remains mediplus the pre-planning and packing. Well I thoroughly enjoyed it and just kept going as if I had no delegation leader did not. Tires and briekblokke replace my bike washed and polished (Error Number 6). Clothes, breakfast, flashes. emergency medical equipment, camera, mediplus batteries, barbeque mediplus grill, pots, pans etc. packed as if I'm on a month-long tour (too much as usual, and you will find out at the end of the tour).
I decided to put my bike on a trailer mediplus to drag South Cape (A First for van Heerden household). The tour was intended for 20 February 2009 - 26 February, 2009. I started here in Pretoria on 18 Feb 12:00, and was at about 15:00 in Oudtshoorn. Colesberg just before I had a band on the trailer lost but fortunately I had two spare wheels to me and I was the little problem in a trice solve. So the descent time I hear some radio (RSG), but many people can check in the night and my nugtermaag you a lot of rubbish gets lost. Beaufort I soon became a bandpass covered mediplus just in case.
The next morning I leave early from Oudtshoorn via Outeniqua Pass to George. Remains a very nice piece to drive. I thought, given TR's aggressive response to my breakfast vraagie, but allow me to

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