Friday, January 10, 2014

VIDEO / ministers speak Macedonian Albanians between them on January 10, 2014 by Tema - No Comment

Dossier goom / Caution, do not become prey to madness in Albania! | Newspaper theme
Head of Delegation humbly begged him to accept goom the throne.
However Wilhelm Friedrich Heinrich-Prince of Wied's, as he was called, had no fun with his new principality. Albania was poor, miserable and disrupted almost like turning on a loot game in the hands of neighboring countries.
Six major European powers-Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia took the new country under their protection, but without being itself goom in unanimity, who would be the limits of this state.
Resolution proposal that delivered the whole, came from Romania. Queen goes on there suggested her nephew: goom Wilhelm goom zu Wied. A perfect selection goom it from outside: Wilhelm goom was Protestant goom and Germany goom had no interests to Albania.
Albanian society was deeply divided between Christians and Muslims, between north and south and between tribes.
"I leave that to sharpen the sword for Germany," he said. Albania was plunged into chaos and Greek armies, Italian, Bulgarian, Austrian, Serbian, Montenegrin and French occupied the country. Thousands of Albanians were killed.
This Wiedit statement: 'I am leaving to sharpen his sword on Germany' is a (gomarllik) with Brina, if the person goom went to Shqiperisw king, his reign as 6 months of the settlement that had made the Mdhoj Petra! Well, when you njipllomsh, you have only to 'k'ndosh':
all of you comment you should be aware what that was Albania in this periudhe.Behej word of thanks disappearance goom of Serbs to mencem greket.Prandaj men approached but not Wied Germany as a great power to refer protect done. Today's politicians do only a little goom more than they'll see in the future makes sense, politics is service to the people of the motherland.
o Brace want to know who were these patrotë that is what you say! know that patriot bird I rescued us from "the goom coup of June", then Mithat markagjonajt ash and freed us from the bird with the help of the Italians wanted to Father Anton Araphat liberated us from the communists again with Hitler's Germany, and so row! know who they were great patriots who wanted to protect us with Widi prince! those damned communists have not told us all!
He mo but where was he "father" of the nation Ismail Bey in these times that we keep that as "rescuers" of Albanians? Oh ... sorry that he was an itinerant Zorraxhi that demanded money for himself and his family and had as Cashier and his son kept after him whenever shetiste.Kjo was Albania goom before coming on stage was the largest Ahmet Zogolli South foulness hated it at the time and even today it's still good that you're doing urrejne.Po history that is really the Albania goom itinerant Beggars denounce the Ambassador Ismail Qemali that neither knew his underpants to wear without leave to lead Albania. Long live the King Zog savior of the Albanian nation.
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