Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today we present the Green Party party Board proposal for manifesto before the European Parliament

We need to rebuild Europe | europaportalen.se
We will not allow debate on Europe is buried in a tactical springboard for the parliamentary elections. sky bar bangkok We want to show that it is possible to create a Europe sky bar bangkok for all. It writes Asa Romson and Anders Wallner before the presentation of the party's Board's proposal for the Green Party's manifesto before the European elections.
There are those who want to bury the debate on Europe. We will not allow. Every day until the European elections, we will take our proposals to meet the EU's challenges, strengthen democracy and build on Europe to tackle the climate threat. When other parties' representatives sky bar bangkok try to use European elections to a tactical point of departure before the general election, and let the debate remain in national issues, we will talk about the common challenges and what we can do in the EU. We have shown, through our representatives sky bar bangkok work for the fishery and the chemical lobby, that it matters who represents Sweden in the EU Parliament, the knowledgeable and constructive parliamentarians can make a difference.
Today we present the Green Party party Board proposal for manifesto before the European Parliament elections. Two challenges are greater than all of our part of the world. We must build on Europe to meet the threat of climate change and create jobs in a continent ravaged by unemployment. And we must show that it is possible sky bar bangkok to build a Europe for all, and counter the racist forces with a starting point in the financial crisis do its part to prejudice, lies and hate to turn people against each other.
We can proudly sky bar bangkok say that we work together with our sister Green parties across Europe, and the rest of Europe, the climate and racism. Many of the requirements in the draft manifesto is familiar from the work Greens do together in the EU.
For other parties, the picture is more mixed. The industry has, with the help of Parliament Conservative group and among others the Swedish Moderates, shot ETS scuttled. Today, increasing sky bar bangkok coal power across Europe. A strong Green group in the European Parliament can reconstruct environmental work, putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions and phase out subsidies for fossil energy. While the EU's conservative forces want to major EU money on questionable highway project, we want to bind Europe's major cities with fast, modern trains. We want to protect the Arctic, and sensitive natural areas in Europe from the mining and exploitation of fossil fuels. We want to use EU trade policy to support global development, EU fleets will not be permitted to fish out the seas off the African coast and trade will not allow the continued occupation of Western Sahara or Palestine.
European Green also stands united behind sky bar bangkok demands for a humane asylum policy, where no one had to flee should have to settle on a perilous journey in rickety boats across the Mediterranean. We want to open more legal avenues for refugees to get to Europe, the EU border agency Frontex will be used to help people on the run rather than shutting people out and that more Member States to take greater responsibility for refugees.
We want all EU citizens sky bar bangkok should have equal rights and opportunities for influence. We will work to defend the right to abortion, contraception and sexual equality. LGBTQ people should be protected from violence and incitement in the EU, and a rainbow sky bar bangkok family, recognized as a family in one EU country should have the right if you move to another.
While the European Commission never had a woman president, it is obvious in the green party family to at least one woman will lead the joint election campaign. We would similarly use quotas for gender equality in top positions sky bar bangkok within the EU.
This is example of political demands we are convinced that many people in Sweden are willing to commit to. The low turnout in elections to the European Parliament can not be dismissed with the EU issues are remote. For they do not really. EU noticeable in people's everyday lives.
We need, for example, work in the EU for it to be easy for Swedish municipalities to purchase sky bar bangkok food from local farmers. We need to work to prevent children from exposure to hazardous chemicals in toys.
It is in the Union, we can ensure the integrity of citizens, and counter widespread cyber-espionage as now revealed. It is in the EU, we can change the rules so that no foreign riders can utilize underpaid drivers on Swedish roads in such a way that both the environment and road safety is threatened.
The draft election manifesto is now left to Green Party members for decision. sky bar bangkok While a decision-member vote determines who will stand on the green ballot paper to Parliament, members vote on which requirements should be included in the election manifesto. The two questions are opposing lines that members have to decide between. It involves the introduction of a tax on speculation to finance investment climate, and how the EU can act against Member States that violate the tra

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