Monday, January 13, 2014

Since 1913 - 1918, in the city of Vlora traders to place an order in their relations with the seapo

First Trade Chamber in Bangladesh? eckerölinjen It opened in Vlora on 25 Oct 1920 | Reso
Need for Commercial Chamber organization born from the fact that Vlora had necessitated the introduction of the role in the economic life of local capitalists to cope with the influx of foreign goods. Since the declaration of national independence, Vlora with a population of 4,600 inhabitants, referred to in the introduction of some plows agricultural production, although agriculture was practiced mainly in wood plows and manual labor. This city was mentioned for the industry eckerölinjen more olive, citrus and viticulture, while for freight traffic was distressed.
With the secession of Albania from the Ottoman Empire, eckerölinjen the new Albanian state began to take measures for economic development. According to the proposal of the Great Powers, Government of Vlora was suggested to create National Bank, bank and credit program. He also drew plenty of capital projects for foreign investment in various sectors despite the great difficulties that brought World War. In 1913, a group of merchants created a grouping of Vlora and was chairman eckerölinjen Cemil Bey Vlora: this activity group exercised until 1917. In 1918, the Italian "Sims" got mine exploitation concession of Selenicë, which bought the former French society. That same year, another company began using oil Italian troops near Drashovica.
Since 1913 - 1918, in the city of Vlora traders to place an order in their relations with the seaport of scaffolding and traders who came there from Berat, Fier, Ballymena, Ballesh, Gjirokastra Përmeti elected Chairman of a joint stock company Cemil Bey Vlora. While the fall of 1920, began its activity Chamber of Commerce. On October 25 of that year in Cinema "PROGRESS" became a meeting which was originally included 29 members, among them elected Administrative Council consisting of 15 people who entered: Aristides Ruçi Pandeli Bohatka, Cemil Bey Vlora, Muço Saw Mehmet Isa Musa Jonuzi Matathia Mateo, Sharaf Dano, Aaron Shaheen, Christo Karbunari, Borut Radhima, Çakërri Ali Ibrahim SHYTI, Kedhi wire, and Rafo Jakoel. Aristides Ruçi elected President (and member of the board of the National Bank); Pandeli Bohatka Secretary, and Treasurer Matathia Mateo.
In 1920, according eckerölinjen to the League of Nations in Geneva, in our country, also in Vlora, the available large capital flows, as gold francs of gold jewelery. In the same year there were debates among the merchants and landowners of Vlora, to organize and to resist foreign capital that entered our country. Thus began to be built in this city manufactory oil, alcohol, ice, flour. Vlora Chamber of Commerce eckerölinjen helped close to solving some problems economic, educational and social.
Since the flood of winter rains fall 1921 Izvori river in Tragjas endangered lives, one of them was taken over construction project Izvori bridge. Buoyed by this, but in that year a group of traders, eckerölinjen the Society created "Vlora FREE" (1921) for charitable eckerölinjen purposes, and construction of several industrial works. This initiative led to the 1921-1922 Chamber of Commerce and Society "Vlora FREE" New build sea port where he is today, near the headquarters of the Government of Ismail Kemal. Also invested eckerölinjen in the creation of the Chamber of Commerce library with 1,827 books, academic literature, art and culture. Also in 1921, the Chamber of Commerce of the city made collaborative relationship with the Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi in Italy enabling the spring of this year's participation eckerölinjen in the fair traders Brindisi Vlora.
In Minutes of the Commercial Chamber also noted quite other assistance. She, in response to the call of society "NATIONAL PROTECTION", financed with funds helped enough furniture city schools, as they Tragjasin, Duchy, Selenicë, Sevasterit, Himara and Kuci. Until 1926 in the city of Vlora had 70 workshop with 146 oil workers, a press with 11 workers, five cars flour with 17 workers, 21 automobile, 3 Saw with 18 workers, 2 derstila (oil factory), lime kiln 11 55 labor, eckerölinjen and occupational zanaçinj quite different.
With the creation of the Albanian National Bank (1925) in addition to local and foreign shareholders, the shares of the bank were involved eckerölinjen Eqerem and Safa Bey Vlora Vlora. In the years 1924-1928 the trade turnover of goods in Vlora had a significant growth becoming an important commercial center. The firm's largest wholesale and retail trade, according to the reports of the State Archives, eckerölinjen manufacturing, hospitality and food items for the firm was "Levi's Rafo Jakoel" (Central State Archive, F. MEK, File 111-600, mirrors on trading firms ).
According to information from the Chamber of Commerce of Vlora, in the autumn of the year tree

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