Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Editor: Dorina Nightingale Journalists: Kliti Topalli, Arisa Lico, Armand Kurati, Erina Laska Dervi

Tirana - It lasted only a few days mystery of the disappearance of 100 million leks from the borough checkout number 5 in Tirana, money intended for social assistance to poor families.
Having banned nickelodeon cruise two ordinary thieves who attacked guard unit on March 20, police went to the mastermind of the theft that was exactly unit treasurer, Ermonela Iron, 43 years old. But fate remains mystery money after police nickelodeon cruise managed nickelodeon cruise to find only 30 million leks and 70 others allegedly stolen unavailable.
The evening of March 20, borough guard, a young man was attacked by two men and was left unconscious, finishing in hospital. Then they were introduced to the Borough only 5 bursting office door, and they opened the safe with a key copy which possessed nickelodeon cruise and theft after they left office as proof that they had been a collaborator from within. Based on this fact, the cashier had is working after police during interrogation that office colleagues may have duplicate keys. Here were born after police suspicions as they could have been robbers and copy the key here have put in phone tapping by the cashier where they provide evidence that it had been inskenuesja theft.
Police suspect that the cashier does not have 100 million leks that day in the vault as claimed they were robbed but she had previously stolen money and has fabricated the robbery to cover previous thefts. However investigations continue nickelodeon cruise to reveal nickelodeon cruise further the functioning of the scheme and the distribution of cash withdrawal for shtersat in need.
The three arrestees already nickelodeon cruise facing charges of robbery and wounding guard. Two executors of robbery have been ørjan Dorian Leci and Midha, who then explained the arrest grabitijes scenario.
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Editor: Dorina Nightingale Journalists: Kliti Topalli, Arisa Lico, Armand Kurati, Erina Laska Dervishllari Preveza, Nertila Dosti, Delinda Mucollari email: info@gazetaidea.com web: www.gazetaidea.com

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