Friday, January 17, 2014

Already have an even stronger motive to have an organization that would help Albanians maintain lin

Kokalari light and Albanian Center of New York | Newspaper loews philadelphia theme
During the last decade, with new waves of Albanian emigration to America, has been a huge increase in the number of political organizations, social, religious, cultural and humanitarian, designed to meet the requirements in addition to the Albanian-American community and to help keep alive Albanians ties with mother earth and their ethnic identity. But associations among Albanian, Albanian Center of New York is that without much fanfare accompanied the fate of many emigrants as well as activities of their organizations formed. loews philadelphia
Albanian Center has been an important factor diaspora in America for seven decades, which makes it one of the Albanian American organizations older. However, many of the new members in the Albanian-American community still does not know anything about this group and its activities that have helped pave the road for emigrants in New York and beyond, but also the support and contribution to the brothers quietly our sisters in the Balkan territories during times of crisis.
Albanian Center is rooted in the organization "Hives", its predecessor, which was founded in the mid-1930s, initially by Albanians who immigrated to America loews philadelphia from Gjirokastra and villages Labëria early twentieth century. The posaardhurit been set in the Half-rise apartments of Manhattan's Lower East, which at the time was that the area inhabited by European immigrants. Shazavan Pashuni, loews philadelphia Shaqo Duke, Miko Kokalari, Kemal Veisel Musa Hajro, Shefqet Bence, Edip Shapllo Enver Shapllo, Bajo Sali and Hodo Hasan were some of the founders of the Beehive.
As the word indicates, "Hive", the aim of the founders of this organization was to "Beehive" to become the center of activities of the Albanian-American community in New York. The aim of this group was to promote the culture and language loews philadelphia Albanian Albanian moral and ethical standards, and training loews philadelphia their children to become honest citizens and good, but not severed ties with their ethnic roots.
One of the earliest projects Hive's was the establishment of an Albanian-language schools, one of the first of its kind in the United States. Muzejen Shurba was chosen as teacher of the language, since she had been a teacher except in Albania, was the person best trained to serve as an educator loews philadelphia Albanian children. Classes were held on Saturdays, in a community center in Lower Manhattan's East. Children who attend these lessons more than sixty years ago are now the leaders of the Albanian Center.
Many children's Hive members were called to military service to their new homeland during World War II. Like all America during this period of history, stood somewhat normal life. But when children return from the war, families who were in hives began to multiply. Also, economic factors began to remove families from Half Manhattan Lower East towards larger areas of New York State.
Already have an even stronger motive to have an organization that would help Albanians maintain links between them. For this purpose, in keeping with the mission of their parent organization-Beehive-but also reflecting the culture of their new homeland, in 1948, the members renamed the organization Beehive by incorporating it with the name Albanian Center loews philadelphia of New York, the center of which has been and continues to be an extremely important part of the nucleus of the Albanian-American community. loews philadelphia Preface to the charter and regulations of the Center cites as follows:
"Since loews philadelphia our adopted homeland, the United loews philadelphia States, has given us all the freedom that exists in this wonderful democracy founded by people who sought freedom in a new home and refuge for people from many different countries, a group Albanian parents who want to keep their children and their children's children a center through which the organization will promote their moral and ethical teaching loews philadelphia of beautiful Albanian loews philadelphia language and customs and traditions - thus educating their being good citizens, honest and valuable - have decided to form an association with these educational and cultural purposes, will be known as the Albanian Center. "
The first thing which must meet Albanian Center was to find a shelter that will develop activities loews philadelphia of the Centre. So it was decided that the Albanian Center to buy a building, and for this purpose, all family members of this organization, with a rare enthusiasm, contributed money to the fund created for this purpose. The center was estab

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