Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Swedish Dagbladet | Editor in chief: Fredric Karén | CEO Gunilla Asker | Deputy responsible publish

2013 was the year when politicians and investors decided that it has turned into Europe. Or at least it can not get worse. 2014 will be the year when it will become clear whether there is any basis for this in what is called the real world. donau It is clear that even if stock markets donau rose sharply in 2013, even in a country like Greece, feels optimistic equally distant for many Europeans as a Swedish gold at this summer's World Cup. Unemployment is still sky high and growth is microscopic.
One important reason is that the banking sector is in such poor condition, which stifles investment and new jobs. In 2014, finally lifted the lid on this little black box when the European Central Bank will conduct a medical examination of all the major banks. For the truth about banks should not create donau panic was much hope for the so-called banking union. When the club was established in late 2013, it was often in the EU context: fancy words but just as many questions as answers. And since bank test is done only in November in danger much of the year, go to to wait.
It was the ECB president Mario Draghi who with his pledge to do whatever it takes to save the euro received the immediate crisis to occur during 2013. In the absence of alternative learning he once again play the lead role in 2014 when the pressure will increase on to Europe following the U.S. and Japan and kick-start printing money. donau
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It is known to me that the whole world lives on credit. But doubt they "die", someone donau else may perhaps borrow instead. Marshall Plan is a good example. The money borrowed is still out. Did you read what I wrote two hours ago?
So what? Inflation is thus built into the system. But does it matter? For those who do not base their daily consumption on credit (and there are probably few), it is irrelevant. Five hundred years ago was a penny a large sum, but not anymore. donau The real economy has grown pretty much in five hundred years, or what do you think?
That the circulating money supply to 97% of the banks' loans and that this aggregate a forever donau growing interest cost to the banks favor, with a subsequent requirement for eternal organic economic growth for the rest of society, is soon reached the public consciousness limit. This will take a lot to change in dramatic forms.
Hi Carl! Could you start typing a little easier, donau as New Year's resolution? The credit is necessary sometimes, but not great, especially when you do not amortise is clear. One should ensure that, at least, the accomodation is paid before you retire. Of course liver banks of the difference in interest between the lending and deposit + fees. Why is it, then this obligation to repay, the entire system collapses when all the loans are paid back? In Sweden the public donau consciousness be to pay the interest and sell the property with a breathtaking profit after a few years. The dramatic course of events is enough to get many to one "unsanft" awakening. donau Wishing you a Happy New Year. Birger
read somebody donau else to the world economy consists of 70% of interest but it is well difficult to prove? albert einstein: "räntapåräntaeffekten donau is the world's eighth wonder" .............
Andreas Cervenka is SvD Enterprise columnist. donau These include giving out the book "What is money?" Here he writes about Swedish and international economics, often with a focus on the financial crisis and its consequences.
... Lower the interest rate. Accelerate. donau Now! The pressure on the Riksbank and other central banks to fix the economy has rarely been greater. But what if low interest rates are not the magic solution, but part of the problem? ... Banking giants equity funds near the perfect crime December 1, 2013
... Fake press releases donau that get courses to rush and oligarchs who empties the company of hundreds of millions through charity funds. Is Finansplats Stockholm becoming Brottsplats Stockholm? ... The real bill for the bonus party November 9, 2013
The debate about ... reward epidemic in business has been a lot about income inequality, class divisions and Jante. But perhaps the question is more important than that. Tighter rule reins not hold back the world of business October 19, 2013
... In business there is a curve that always seems to point spike straight up to the sky: the one that shows the amount of laws and regulations. But is really an exponentially expanding flora of paragraphs the way to go? ...
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Swedish Dagbladet | Editor in chief: Fredric Karén | CEO Gunilla Asker | Deputy responsible publisher and editors: Olle Zachrison and Niklas Kierkeg

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