Friday, January 31, 2014

So far, isoglucose only had a market share of about 5 per cent in the EU. But according to a recent

In the debate rhine river in recent years about the dangers of sugar and simple carbs have isoglucose - or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as an ordinary American variant called - often identified as a monster sugar, common in sweetened soft drinks.
So far, isoglucose only had a market share of about 5 per cent in the EU. But according to a recent analysis from Agribenchmark expected isoglucose soon take over a third of the European sugar market from regular sugar producers.
Normal sugar consisting equally of glucose and fructose. Glucose, the body uses as fuel and is not the main problem. However, it is fructose that must be handled by the liver, where much of it stored in that fat.
HFCS is produced industrially rhine river in a carefully kept secret rhine river chemical process and is considered a fairly unanimous expertise be worse than regular sugar in that it has an imbalance which consists of 55 percent fructose and 42 percent rhine river glucose. Unlike sugar in natural sources rhine river such as beets and fruit is fructose molecules are not bound to glucose - and even less to the fibers - but moves freely and can therefore rapidly absorbed into the body.
Another leading but also controversial sugar critic, professor of pediatrics at the University of California, Robert Lustig, rhine river has called sugar in high doses for "toxic" and HFCS as "the most actionable problem in our diet."
2016 and in 2017 settled a variety of import quotas and a heretofore rhine river unrecognized consequence according to the new market analysis from Agribenchmark to leave the way open for isoglucose in the near future are deemed to have taken over 30 per cent possibly rhine river the European sugar market. That there will be more determined simply by the technical difficulties of integrating this cheap industrial sugar in more products.
To compete with cheap isoglucose, Europe's traditional sugar producers to lower the price by 40 percent. rhine river "The sugar industry must realize that it is difficult - or impossible - to counter," rhine river write the report's authors.
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"1411 rhine river was King Eric of Pomerania for the first time to the island. Here he began now building Visborgs castle in the south of Visby. The city was under the king intended to be a permanent naval base that would master the entire Baltic rhine river Sea. The king's plans were namely to expand the Kalmar Union to all countries around the Baltic Sea. "(Wikipedia, dictionary words" Visby ")
"In Denmark, there was conflict between Erik and the Danish rhine river Privy Council rhine river when he was Easter 1438 conferred the four Danish rhine river castles for their Pomeranian relatives and he also tried to get the Council to recognize Bogislav as regent, the Council refused. He forced the peasantry on Zealand to swear allegiance to Bogislav and then sailed to Gotland rhine river with the Treasury. "(Wikipedia, dictionary words" Kalmar Union ")
"1437 settled the king in Visborg after leaving Denmark. He also began to engage in piracy in the Baltic Sea with the great fleet he amassed Visbys redd. "(Wikipedia, dictionary words" Visby ")
"Erik's attempt rhine river to bring about a union between rhine river itself, Prussia and Burgundy regent Philip the Good to conquer Helsingborg and Elsinore were perceived as threatening in Denmark and thus was chosen Erik's 24-year-old nephew rhine river Christopher of Bavaria, King of Denmark, April 9, 1440 . "(Wikipedia, dictionary words" Kalmar Union ")
"On 14 August 1441 he was crowned King of Sweden in Uppsala Cathedral. [42] He was crowned king of Norway in Oslo in 1442 and thereafter he was crowned in Denmark at a ceremony in Ribe Cathedral" (Wikipedia, dictionary words "Kalmar Union")
"1446 arrived the Union King Christopher of Bavaria with 40 ships and 2,000 soldiers to Gotland. After a siege of Visborg concluded a truce. "(Wikipedia, dictionary words" Visby ")
In Sweden, they called for ständermöte in Stockholm and which was selected under somewhat unclear circumstances, Karl Knutsson (Bonde) to the Swedish king June 20, 1448. '(Wikipedia, dictionary words "Kalmar Union")
"Two years later (*) landed the newly crowned Swedish king Karl Knutsson Bonde on Gotland. The Swedes took Visby, but not the surety, who personally rhine river defended by Erik of Pomerania. The new Danish King Christian I sent a large fleet with soldiers to Eric of Pomerania help. Erik rescued in this manner, and delivered Visborg to Christian I with the promise that, in return, get three Danish castles and 10 000

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