Saturday, January 4, 2014

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Royal Caribbean announced that it will provide nearly a billion euros paying the luxury pleasure shipbuilding orders STX Turku shipyard of STX instead of the French shipyard of Saint Nazaire, writes Kauppalehti.
STX Finland requested the government to order the construction of the ship to obtain a loan of 50 million euros. Last week, the government has decided that the loan is not granted, but was willing to give the company 44 million in support of innovation. norwegian cruise line
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An increase norwegian cruise line in the minimum wage raises the nursery is charged, and the rate of reversion (16) Since this year is the current minimum wage is 320 euros instead of 355 euros per month. In this context, rising nursery place and fees will increase the amounts payable for a living.
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Surprising: marketing people chose the band Winny the Pooh in the marketing capitalizes (5)
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Syria exploded the two major pipeline (3)
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