Sunday, January 26, 2014

Everywhere in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) founded peaceful demonstrations of cit

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Bertil Sandarne, Hälsingland, Sweden I am 82 years (2009) and since 2004 resides in Sandarne (Söderhamn). I have some experience and therefore a say. Gubbdjäveln is deservedly sometimes planet cruise quite confounded at how it has been in Gävleborg and Söderhamn (s) in uninterrupted power position and then it needed to (c) as Sancho Panza. My life: 5 1/2 years as a military, largely while Europe was in flames. After a few years of study since over 40 years planner for Defence Telenät (for total defense). A specialty became electromagnetic wave propagation (under 9 years adjunct planet cruise member of the Swedish National Committee for Radio Science). Leisure Politicians in Haninge Municipality: 18 years in the City Council, planet cruise nine years in municipal government, 12 years as v.ordf. the school board, 6 years as v.ordf. in fast.-committee planet cruise and 21 years as Chairman. and v. Chairman. in municipal corporations, etc. I was active in the Lions Club Västerhaninge for 36 years. It all may well be seen as some experiences I guess. My posts are sorted on the "Labels" acc. above. Click on the "label" that interests you. The blog started in February 2009 and should be viewed planet cruise as brand new and under development for some time. View my complete profile
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I have long written on a post about Mohammad planet cruise Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shahanshah (King of kings) of Iran period 1941-1979, however, there were written only in my head for quite some time. I was distressed planet cruise me because the post tended to get very far, with all the digressions I saw as inevitable.

The reason for all these considerations is that I as there two months ago for the second time reading my life for my country, Muhammad Reza Shah's autobiography, which I first read 1961 when it was published. It should incidentally be mentioned among the books worth reading, if you want to know more about Islam and what religion planet cruise today poses. Eg that the Arab Spring derailed.
Everywhere in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) founded peaceful demonstrations of citizens formed the majority of which were relatively young. Young and educated elderly who often via the Internet and television discovery of Western democracy and wanted it. But it took only a little before the Islamists and mullahs hooked on revolution and made it his, to introduce what they meant to be democracy that is Islamic rule, which is the opposite of the one Ayatollah as a dictator and some sort of Guardian.
These mullahs are of the same mettle as the wise men, according to the Bible, Jesus drove out of the temple. In Egypt, not infrequently mullahs may Koran almost by heart, and possibly have read a little further and j

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