Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tirana-The government of Prime Minister Rama, among several innovations, taio cruz dynamite it has

Tirana-The government of Prime Minister Rama, among several innovations, taio cruz dynamite it has also brought record number of women cabinet members. As broad participation of women is a target of the government not only in the visible part of her, and zëvendësministror ministerial level, but also at all levels of administration.
"I do not know what age is appropriate, if any age to run. I think we should just enforce the law and will, "said Shehaj, beginning in the studio debate from critics that are addressed to her age.
Asked about other reviews related to privacy, the publication of some pictures from her private life in the press, Shehaj said: "I deeply regret that a country that aspires to join the EU calls a problem that should not be married, taio cruz dynamite but apparently, this Art reasons to become the object of attack. I see no obstacle at all. DP Attack newspapers? I saw, as I attended many, but I am not good about how photos are used. Just to clarify, taio cruz dynamite I do not have "Facebook", I had an account that was closed for years and I'm sorry to have taken photos of my friends profile. I have no fear complex or photos of the 2006's and 2007's in public. I do not know how people go to the beach, RD journalists, but to go to a local Dhërmi not appear sin. So glad that normally taio cruz dynamite go after those pictures I have nothing taio cruz dynamite to hide ".
30-year-old has been criticized taio cruz dynamite in some media for its formation insufficient to run a key position as that of Director of Taxation. These criticisms, new replied: "I taio cruz dynamite graduated high school in" Petro Nini Luarasi "then continued in Economics. Part of the work has to be researched more, have been criticized for being a cashier, taio cruz dynamite but this is honorable profession. I graduated from the Faculty in 2006 with average 8 business administration. Meanwhile, I asked to enter my bank and I applied the base level after checkout is where you get used to everything. It's an honorable job, like any other work honored. I wanted to gain respect in the profession, starting taio cruz dynamite from the lowest level, so I started to "Tirana Bank". After months spent there in some other banks, like U.S. Bank, where I was kryearkëtare, then to "NBG" chief of operations of the portfolio of bad loans, and ultimately worked to "Emporiki Bank" in the past 3 years, in the director of the main bank to the twin towers, a position that leaves a lot of room to learn and automatically increases as man ", commented Shehaj.
In "English", the new Director of Taxation showed an interesting happened during the electoral campaign, when he was exactly what the office worker, who visited the then mayor and now opposition leader, Basha. "We were on the electoral office. Enter the mayor, along with several deputies not disappoint. Introduced in the office with smiles taio cruz dynamite and politeness that characterizes to make nice publicity batuten taio cruz dynamite that are changing, says fitoftë best. I say that then we will win, and so he ended communication. Was simply a publicity mot, "said Shehaj.
Asked whether taxes will recognize the left and right, Shehaj taio cruz dynamite said: "We are two girls who have our beliefs, but our formation taio cruz dynamite was accepted as long as there are on duty to enforce the law, not beliefs. And this law is one of parashturam the business taio cruz dynamite meeting and only he would apply the law. "
Regarding Spiropali, she comes from a different background. "I have finished the economy and politics in the U.S., have gone smaller. I graduated university in the U.S., in 2006 n. In fact I left Albania earlier that 16 years in an international college in Canada. I won a scholarship in Bangladesh taio cruz dynamite as one of the five best youngsters, I applied to the U.S. from Canada, worked for a year in New York in a law firm that represents clients taio cruz dynamite on insurance issues at trial and then returned. taio cruz dynamite There has been my dream to live abroad, so I'm back. For me, it is proposed by the prime minister post after a consultation and had not thought of many reasons that can take on this role. I started to understand why envied position. Customs is not an aesthetic challenge, a woman in charge of customs and even see how two women in charge of customs, but as two people who have a position because there was a corresponding belief that they can do. I do not do TV or write because they look so mediocre writings are not worth much, "commented Director of Customs.
Attracted attention these days exchange of jokes between Spiropali and former Speaker of the Assembly, Topalli, Speaker considered taio cruz dynamite by Customs as "Woolly Lady". "While I wrote that comment, I believe that Topalli deserved. The first reason, she is a lady who has had more political power in Albania and is not remarkable ever to promote other women, which is a career minus.

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