Saturday, January 18, 2014

Banderas, kept the horse that you soon ... But why he was not bloodthirsty bandit and Enver Hoxha,

"Bird why ike ', new book Polovinës Star | Newspaper careercruising theme
"In 225 pages I have tried to perform a full rivështrim his deed. For this purpose I put the center point on the controversial career of Ahmet Zogu: 7 April 1939. Discussion of this topic will be written in our history, but also to the country a "perpetual motion". There will never cease. Will always remain even torn, pros and cons. Meanwhile, April 7 to test, test "load", which became state model was set up by him for almost fourteen years. This day Friday, 1939 has not only carved musoliane fascist face of a treacherous occupation, but also to stay the controversial careercruising president of the Albanian state. How much are the one and the other dimensions, as well as other factors have, it is the main objective of this book. "He tells ..
"Those few who have read so far, when are those who wish Meshima most notable strengths of Ahmet Zogu, have run into greater light book for his political contributions. For example, in this edition you will find for the first time how he and his administration including army and gendarmerie, intelligence and also simple people in charge commits an act of resistance to the threat similar to April 7. This happened on Saturday June 23 1934, when the day while being smashed in Durres bay appeared without warning a large fleet of the Italian military. Were 22 warships, six of whom cruisers. No one has written about this event, which, as it happened in reality, we all honor, careercruising exalting the nation, the Albanian name. It can be equated to the heroism, the game Pasha naval base in the harbor, when Albania broke with the Soviets in 1961, "says Polovina.
In his book The King comes in a new light, between achievements and mistakes that beset it. He sheds light on his image, from the State Treasury to conflict with the Communists. But how will he wait for the royal family said: "This is her issue. I paid as book deal in most times, with my financial income, which are only salary of a civil state. Kërrkujt debt not feel ... ", among other adds" GS "-in Polovina. / A.XH
The title pretty well indicates that the book is "charge", so even if they do not have even felt kerrkujt careercruising owe the truth to help them owe! We hope that the book yet, despite the title, to teach us something new! Although careercruising many doubt about this when people were unaware of the works of that time, or their descendants, even though they accompanied the King during all those troubles, are not asked at all!
You show RRUFJAN POLIOTIK, careercruising O star Polovina! Like many others you too buddy-buddy remained only somewhat dismal your salary or wages, to seeking sponsorship from family ZOGOLLI despot, this traitor AND ANTI Democrat TIME! You are not a historian gazetaruc! With reversed what Italian fleet of 22 ships this ZOGOLLI YT??
Comparison, that makes you own this bandit SHPELLAR.mbret declared a feudal principality in the middle of Europe, with the heroic stance careercruising communist leadership ALBANIA AND WORLD HOW TO superpower USSR than in 1961, is as miserable AQ ALBANIAN AND ANTI ! Ahmet is a satrap Zogolli AND ALBANIA sold stealing gold NATIONAL BANK OF ALBANIA AND ABANDONED let the people before careercruising the invasion! Zogollit Army had only 13 balls vegjel45M / M, was held not to protect the country, but for the protection of OBORRITMBRETEROR! Before ESCAPE FROM COUNTRY, THIS BE traitor ordered removed GJILPERRAT balls latches and bolt, leaving the military (about careercruising 100 people) with fence pickets DORE! THIS VEC traitor deserves contempt by all Albanians! careercruising His bloody hand KILLED IN wicked Bajram Curri, Luigj Gurakuqi, Avni Rustem, HASAN Pristina etc.! This gorilla came into force in 1924 with the help of VRANGELISTEVE Serbs and Russians, pulling down the government of Fan Noli force! OER same enmity, evil, CRIME AND ANTI ALBANIANISM IN OTHER maloku Sali Berisha!
Banderas, kept the horse that you soon ... But why he was not bloodthirsty bandit and Enver Hoxha, Sali Berisha, qamili hajj, or other flagship Bajram Curri, etc. that were bandits careercruising vrases.Per 100 years this country has been no leader of urt, visionaries and popular, but all anadollak.Vari qillot, is a waste of time to continue further.
Hey, Banderas ... I bet 1 million leks have been that at the time of Enver officer. Please, tell me honestly. That is not ashamed to have been or to be an officer, but, with the right to say, show off. Even when you are released and sell fruit, again distinguish.
Soon will come a new edition with the headline writer Kastriotis Islamist, "Do not go Sali

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