Thursday, January 9, 2014

We had a little walk to the waterfall, but it was every step worthwhile. Well, as far as was every

Last night we eat with people of Sequim in Washington State. They shoot us for dinner. My parents eckerölinjen they meet in Cape Town a few weeks before starting tour. They stood side by side in the row of the Jewish Museum in Cape Town and started chatting. When they invite us to contact them when we come here and whalla! We meet them, and visit just delicious. At our table asking for Uncle (Dr. Richard Sherman) eckerölinjen or he has a clue what the weather will do today. He was just such a moment hesitated and said: 'Yes, there will be weather! That's how it is here in Washington State. They call it "The Evergreen State" eckerölinjen for a reason. As is greener than green. We experienced almost daily in four seasons. The weather changes from hour to hour. Just look at this fantastic tree Marymere way to the waterfall near Port Angeles. It's spring now in America. eckerölinjen For the first time I know why a man a 'Mayflower' so called. At our flower in September, but here it bloom in May. We see them everywhere in full bloom.
This is part of the rain forest. The Olympic National Park in 1938 by President Franklin Roosevelt as a conservation area and is declared a World Heritage Site. The rain forest gets 3.8 feet (380 cm) of rain in a year. This is the wettest spot on the U.S. mainland eckerölinjen to Hawaii just parts of it surpassed in America.
We had a little walk to the waterfall, but it was every step worthwhile. Well, as far as was every step of my whole trip worthwhile. And speaking of acting ... I am now on: 792 825 acts in total for my entire tour! I'm almost there! Still to do 207,175! There are 33 days left! It is only 6278 per day. I currently touring to so 12,000 steps per day (since we rented the car, I was on 20,000 per day to 12,000). I can not believe I've been going 60 days not. And every day was a real blessing and an experience. I have to remind myself every day pinching to see if it's really starting to happen. What a privilege! This is the red cedar trees. They are very beautiful!
Olympic Mount is the highest point in the Olympic National Park in 2428 and stands on feet. Not very high, but when under snow and the site of two major glaciers namely the Blue Glacier and the Hoh Glacier. We would very much like the tip of Mt Olympus and look twice drove up to the top Visitors Center to look. Yesterday morning, the sky opened for about 30 minutes and then pull it all started, and it was snowing while we were up there. One should have a vehicle eckerölinjen with chains around his wheels there to drive in the snow and we were only down quickly before it would be needed. But it was great to see the snow and experience. When we got up this morning, the clouds eckerölinjen much lighter and higher and we sat down again when Hurricane Ridge. A person driving 17 miles from Port Angeles, but the road is beautiful and we saw many Black Tail Dear and other animals. This morning we beloen with beautiful views and we are sincerely grateful to the Lord our prayer and our good weather gave. The picnic table on top of Hurrican Ridge: We have decided not to make a picnic!
Our dinner with the Shermans. Richard and Chrystal. They were very nice and took us to a restaurant when grand. I eat Wild Salmon with asparagus and ravioli. Very nice! The 'wild' simply means the salmon is caught fresh from the sea and not on a farm bred. In America they may no wild animals in a restaurant eckerölinjen preside, except seafood. All game meat they eat are bred on farms.
I took my parents to the Black Bear because we did not think we'd get one in real life to see. Little did we know ... It was our Olympic Game Farm discovered. The farm is just a few miles from Port Angeles and this is where Disney Company keeps all their animals they use in movies. I would most like a grizzly look, but they do not grizzlys not. But the other animals up for it. We saw everything!
At the entrance you can buy bread for feeding animals. They already know they are fed and get just the car. We have said to the woman we come from Africa and imported wild animals, but the animals still all came because eckerölinjen they thought we had food.
The Bisons were but little prickly and we had slowly drove past the first row and a time to turn around, because they have allowed the gate. It's the "Beast" that Beauty and the Beast's creature based. Moulting now that summer is coming.
We also see a Cougar, a Bobcat, Siberian eckerölinjen Tiger and Bengal Tiger, Llamas, a Raccoon and the Arctic Fox (he is pretty amazing). I do not have a nice picture of him could get, but here's one courtesy of google:
The ferry loading cars and people up and take them to nearby islands. This one is probably eckerölinjen going to Widbey Island. It's eckerölinjen a very cheap way of transportation. We go to Port Townsend sailed past when going to Alaska.
The last two days were so incredibly nice to

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