Monday, January 20, 2014

And from a criminal case against him, to turn in a formal civil matter. This for the simple reason

Not only a financial scandal at the University of Gjirokastra | Journal Web
It is not only for the minimum preferences of first-year students to the university (are the lowest in its history carnival cruise jobs over 40 years, nearly 23% of units sent by the ministry, or about 350 students in 20 programs of study) .
Auditor of State Supreme Audit, conducted in late 2012 found serious violations of the law in 12 directions and state financial damage caused by these violations amounting to over 33 million leks (new). carnival cruise jobs According to SSA, the violations were such that the university authority should the prosecutor was accused.
This ministry, carnival cruise jobs as well as many other issues carnival cruise jobs regarding violations of law by authority carnival cruise jobs of the university, made the role of the deaf. (In all cases of academic staff appeals to the authority of the university, carnival cruise jobs the minister personally had a request. Problems and complaints were not in the media and in public and that he would ensure to resolve everything, that actually made contrary).
After that, to close the chapter carnival cruise jobs totally offenses and abuse of office, the audit noted by the SSA had a court decision. This decision should mean that beneficiaries have the right violations and audit SSA thrust vain.
For this reason in March 2013, with the signature authority of the university's rector Sala Joy, sued in the District Court of Gjirokastra about 70 professors and other university employees carnival cruise jobs for illegal benefits (!)
Which means that the authority maintains carnival cruise jobs minimal criminal responsibility, that of malfeasance. But the authority of the university, through this lawsuit, seeking to transfer responsibility from himself to the masses of teachers carnival cruise jobs and other employees.
And from a criminal case against him, to turn in a formal civil matter. This for the simple reason that professors sued the worst was ordered by the authority for work performed and were paid after this lecture with firm authority to seal their payment.
The judge said the current issue as a surprise that none of the defendants did not appear in court to defend himself. (In developed over 15 sessions presented on rare occasions least some of them).
The fact confirms carnival cruise jobs his belief that the court is acquired on the table, not the institution that represents the rector of the university (the plaintiff), but by the individual beneficiary who is identified with the rector (the defendant Joy Sala). (It is not known how easily the judge would have to give defendants the right to not go to trial to defend themselves.
But when once during the trial that the facts proven by the Rector on the same day that the service was outside the university, and the university was to make teaching or other administrative work, so it is proven fraud Rector for material gain, the court ruled divide issue in such a way that these facts can not be confronted within the same process.
Third. The next paradox carnival cruise jobs relates to the position of SSA lawyer in the trial. He does not defend the conclusions of the audit report to SSA, but claims the rector. Even university lawyer referred to the decision of his colleague in SSA, to exclude from trial 8 witnesses to the theft of their university cash through fraud and falsification of documents (!).
The fourth paradox has to do with the fact that the university authority, in violation of the law, insists that the defendants do not submit evidence and documents which supported his claim and the trial court (so far) has agreed with the tenacity and refusal of duty plaintiff's legal.
The fifth case paradoxical in this process is the fact that the plaintiff, the university authority, "takes carnival cruise jobs the protection of" professors and other university employees sued him and open shows that he is not interested to be present in the trial. (Representative of the plaintiff, the university, the process takes notice of the defendants, has shared folder with any of their representatives, reconcile positions, or requires that those who dare to tire and go to protect themselves, etc..)
But the real interest for the authority of the university lecturers are not present in the process, lies elsewhere. The university carnival cruise jobs authority does not want his subordinates carnival cruise jobs to know that he, Sala Joy Rector, seeks to save himself from serious legal violations through their own right, becoming carnival cruise jobs part of their group. he wants to hide the fact that for himself, on the same day (in about 40-50 cases per year) located outside the service district, carnival cruise jobs receives the administrative hours outside of work done at uni

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