Monday, January 6, 2014

One of the wonderful things of June 5, 2012, the Transit of Venus. The southern hemisphere can not

After months, weeks, days, looked after our boat 'cruise' to Alaska, it finally dawned on Sunday, June 3, 2012. We stay 7 nights on the boat and cruising the Inner Passage "from Seattle norwegian jewel to the south-eastern part of Alaska. En route we stop at three villages namely Ketchican, Juneau and Skagway. Of all three Skagway me the most beautiful. The story of Alaska by all three towns depicted, is the thousands of stormlopers at the end of the 19th century attacked Alaska looking for gold. Gold was discovered in 1896 and by 1898 was all about. Not only did the stormlopers every single conceivable 'Moose' (big buck that in Skagway occurred) ate way behind the gold on, but they have 3,000 horses killed and many people perished in their ignorance and greed. The gold prospectors did not take into account the elements. Of course none of them was still there and they would not take advice from the Native Indians listen. There were only two routes from South-Western Alaska and it was either Skagway or via via DYEA. Both routes were 'bad news' and the storm troopers had to literally choose between the devil and hell. Both were impassable. But the road from Skagway was a lower than sneeupas from DYEA and most gold prospectors tried it. But they still had to come over White Pass on the Klondyke. The part of the suit is now known as Dead Horse Valley because there are so many horses died. The stories are told from the horses themselves there jumped to further torture prevention. The saddest part was that when the crowds at the gold fields, found all the claims already staked and they all survive the hardships to turn or someone norwegian jewel working at minimum wage. Talk about a disappointment! The beauty of Alaska will always be with me. Each time the boat was like a National Geographic film before your eyes play. I've taken hundreds of photos and wish I could have every single one here on the blog. But you will now have to be patient. Tonight we sleep in Moses Lake to Old Montana. We are 180 miles east of Seattle. We were still amazed us again about the thousands of green trees around Seattle when we go through a pass in the Cascade mountains and ride the Klein Karoo interior, with no trees or grass. Only the massive Columbia River flows through this and make it good farmland. For 14 miles (to the family: Dad's not 14 not - actually 14 miles) are everywhere along the road signs indicating what product to the countries visited. There is a lot of potatoes, norwegian jewel alfalfa, peas, corn, oats and cherries in this world. I have the following written on the boat. I put pictures, so you can see what I experienced last week. Fantastic!
We are now more than 48 hours on the cruise ship 'Star Princess' coming to the Inner Passage of Alaska, and I have not written blog. I would like to wifi on the boat was used, so you can tour together, but two things keeps me from ...
On the internet desk on deck 6 I learned that it costs 79 cents U.S. for 1 minute on wifi and the guy was honest norwegian jewel enough to admit that the satellite wifi is very slow. With the edge all fell to R8, 58 against the dollar is already R6, 77 per minute. I use about 45 minutes a day to the blog to update and if I want to upload photos - here is an absolute must-have! - Then I have at least an hour is needed. This means R406, 20 per day. Now I want you in the face take it, but I'm currently unemployed and it is beyond my budget. Not that this is hard on this boat for many a day to spend!
The second reason has nothing to do with money do. It's literally 48 hours after the first 10 minutes I was on my bass down and do nothing. Here's just so much to see. And as I sit here typing, my Dad is on top of the covers gaining Humpback 'whale view and he has to knock at my door just to let me know I miss everything. Fortunately the boat a webcam with live commentary priority on channel 47 so that their rooms lie down also can see something of what was going on outside! We travel at a speed. But as I sit here, I'm at full speed for the time being.
One of the wonderful things of June 5, 2012, the Transit of Venus. The southern hemisphere can not see it, but here we are, can we 14:00 to 21:00 watch. If there are no clouds. My Dad did a lot of research ahead of time and got the right equipment so we will see. And there are many clouds today. With utmost self-discipline and patience my dad all afternoon on the deck, waiting for the sun through the clouds to struggle. He is beloen with a wonderful photo he sonkykbrilletjie by myself. norwegian jewel This phenomenon is one of us now on earth, ever again in our lives seen. The black dot on the sun, the planet Venus

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