Tuesday, January 14, 2014

And they are right. Prosecutor who will conduct this operation in Puka, who split the money with th

Normally, we knew and we know how justice can be purchased with money. So, you have to pay to gain the right when it meets, but also to earn above the law when you're guilty. independence of the seas We also know how the scheme works. There are brokers who make bargains with the prosecution of the judge, who in most cases are the lawyers. But Puka no major issues, no "big fish," in popular terminology, great for the accused, traffickers, officials, businessmen "black" to escape punishment to pay so much money, enough to put all the work of the court administration to count. So, since there Puka big issues, the bazaar is small and broker makes the prosecutor himself while serving as treasurer and chancellor cared to deal with currency exchange rate daily.
All this we know, but when you look sound and image, how people of justice, judges, independence of the seas prosecutors independence of the seas and a court chancellors of taking bribes to favor a law breaker, or worse yet, to give justice a man who belongs, and divide the money exactly like an ordinary pack after they attacked their next prey, feels disgust. Feels aversion to the extent that the justice system has ended in this place, where he finished law and how they should be the model of implementation, gravediggers made his biggest.
Certainly not worth no television during an investigation, such as "Fiks Fare", independence of the seas but even these on, if it was a localized issue in a suburban court as she Puke. But we know that what happened was filmed Court Puke is just a crumb, after this whole derexhe is brought justice in this country. And, therefore, the index of surveys independence of the seas that reveal the mechanism justice as the most corrupt state, it is not at all a wrong perception of people.
But the question arises as to how to fight this corruption. Here we are dealing independence of the seas with a vicious circle, because the bodies have to fight corruption within their consist of people who are the most corrupt. Beyond all the theories proposed, including salary increase, independence of the seas I think it is only one effective way. Introducing the prison, when achieved proven bribery and removal of the profession of law and the right to work in any sector of the state administration, when tested other violations. Judges and prosecutors should be used to supplant a criminal when it's out of prison, or an innocent, when left in jail to get money. independence of the seas
Prime Rama described as national emergency situation territory, justifying putting in use of explosives for demolition of illegal constructions. But, is the size of a national disaster situation in the justice system. Is this the source of all evils, because justice is God right where people expect. But "God" is a grafter.
MP Fatmir Xhafaj said in parliament independence of the seas that, in conditions when the state does not work, is "Land Line" that is doing the work of the state. As Minister of Justice, Naco Nasip urged people to cooperate to fight corruption in the judiciary. I think that no honest citizen who will not fight corruption. But how? What can we do to combat the corruption of judges and prosecutors? What did "Land Line" with hidden camera could make the prosecution itself, or other law enforcement bodies, but people complain more media than state institutions, because they had no faith.
And they are right. Prosecutor who will conduct this operation in Puka, who split the money with the judge? Battling corruption must own prosecutors and judges who have demonstrated a strong alliance independence of the seas within a species. This case showed the judge Neritan Tabaku Durres judge carrying files on a year of unbleached, which was prevented thanks to the appeal of the decision independence of the seas for a killer who took the life of a police commissioner later. His colleagues independence of the seas hailed his transgression, just like offense.
But above all, the fight against corruption in the judiciary can not rely solely on the denunciation of citizens, as well as advertising appeals of the Ministry of Justice. Once corruption largest produce citizens who have problems with the law of bribes to win on the law, and no doubt they do not report. While the "big fish", prosecutors, judges and lawyers who do estate agent name, are not as stupid as prosecutor Puke and Chancellor, who counted the money was in office as dairy sales. While accusing the whole justice system, we must know that there are between them honest men and women who enforce the law are not reaping

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